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kebab nemesis

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Everything posted by kebab nemesis

  1. Went Admiral multi-car and managed to get the RB insured for £212 fully comp, the money I saved insuring the cars paid my road tax for the RB. Maybe I am just an old fart and thats what has made the difference LOL
  2. Out of the country at the moment (Angola) so I nearly had a fit when Shaz told me Elephant hiked my insurance for the RB320 up from £320 to £330, what abunch of to**ers.
  3. LONDON LAWYER V GLASGOW COP A London lawyer runs a stop sign and gets pulled over by a Glasgow copper. He thinks that he is smarter than the cop because he is a lawyer from LONDON and is certain that he has a better education then any Jock cop. He decides to prove this to himself and have some fun at the Glasgow cops expense!! Glasgow cop says, " Licence and registration, please." London Lawyer says, "What for?" Glasgow cop says, "Ye didnae come to a complete stop at the stop sign." London Lawyer says, "I slowed down, and no one was coming." Glasgow cop says, "Ye still didnae come to a complete stop. Licence and Registration, please.” London Lawyer says, "What's the difference?" Glasgow cop says, "The difference is, ye huvte come to a complete stop, that's the law, Licence and registration, please!" London Lawyer says, "If you can show me the legal difference between slow down and stop, I'll give you my licence and registration and you give me the ticket. If not, you let me go and don't give me the ticket." Glasgow cop says, "Sounds fair. Exit your vehicle, sir." The London Lawyer exits his vehicle. The Glasgow cop takes out his baton and starts beating the f*ck out of the lawyer and says, "Dae ye want me to stop, or just slow doon?"
  4. I have a set of Whiteline springs that I bought for my 05 sti, I never got round to fitting them as I bought an RB320. If you are interested make me an offer? Cheers John (Kebab Nemesis)
  5. Thats me booked in, good job there Dave with the Hotel, my mate has stayed there before and said it is crackin. Cannae wait now.
  6. Looks like there might still be some motorsport over the winter, just heard that there are plans to stage a rally at Knockhill on the 8th January, I will post up again when I get the details.
  7. Have to agree with Davie, great day out for a fiver, some cracking action, just one thing though, did Jock Armstrong take a wrong turning on his way to Asda to do the weekly shop? Diesel focus`s should not be in rallies.
  8. 1. STI Pretender 2. Mr McTwist 3. Mrs McTwist 4. Burgy_51_ 5. Burgy_51_ wife 6. Mr badbaz 7. Mrs badbaz 8. scooby222 9. Mrs scooby222 10. wrx kenny 11. wrx kenny + a random 12. imy 13. grant 14. empty heed 15. empty heed 2 16. bigbob 17. miss bigbob 18. terzo neil 19. Gumball 20. Midnight21 21. gbsti 22. Mrs gbsti 23. bobbyc 24. Mags 25. Des 26. Des's Mag 27. Dougs Scoob 28. Mrs Dougs Scoob 29. Joe G 30. Mrs Joe G 31. And Joe G Junior 32. jimser 33. caitlin 34. gary d 35. leslie 36. craig 37. loopy lou 38. Irish Al 39. Lynsey 40. Kebab Nemesis
  9. Chance to see ex Richard Burns Subaru WRC car in action, 100 entries for what is always a spectacular day out, cant think of a better way to spend a fiver. First car on stage at 08:30 Anyone going?
  10. 1) Gus the Bus-Version 1 RA 2) Midnight21 - Catalunya 3)Cruz104 - WRX STI type uk 4)burgy_51_ 07 hawkeye STI 5)StrikE - WRX STi type uk hatch 6)Rallye 6-Blobeye Sti 7)Tommy T cut-Blobeye Sti 8) wrx kenny wrx bugeye 9) Gstar - GB270 10) Maxxed_Ross - RB320 11) Boab type ra - wrx type ra 12) CJE - WRX bugeye hatch 13) sti_steve - impreza unknown Sunday 26th Sept 1) Gus the Bus-Version 1 RA 2) Midnight21 - Catalunya 3) Bobby C - GB 270ish 4)Cruz104 - WRX STI type UK 5)burgy_51_ 07 hawkeye STI 6)StrikE - WRX STi type uk hatch 7)Rallye 6-Blobeye Sti 8)Tommy T cut-Blobeye Sti 9) Davy Reid - JDM Bug STi 10) wrx kenny wrx bugeye 11) Boab type ra - wrx type ra 12) marky.t.s- 00my uk turbo 13) CJE - WRX bugeye hatch 14) Maxxed_Ross - RB320 15)pete pedsti 05 sti type u/k 16)diane di555 v-limited 555 17) Kebab Nemesis - RB320
  11. I changed the headunit and the speakers, all of which were pants. Went for the DNX8220BT and 3 way kenwood speakers, vast improvement in sound quality but still struggle to hear sounds when travelling quick. Sound deadening would improve things but that adds weight, you pays your money and makes your choice.
  12. Brian and Noel should have went to Specsavers
  13. Have to reitterate the comments about the weekend, great roads, hotel, banter, food and company, bring on next year (will we see an appearance of DJ Bobby?) Does anyone else think that no amount of photoshop editing would get rid of Irish Ala red eye?
  14. And so, the following... FRIDAY Meeting at Lanark Loch, (Departing 1300 for Perth) > TPS -SCOOB > > Joining at McDonalds @ Broxden roundabout, Perth PH2 0PX (Departing 1500 for Inverness) > Bobby C & Mags > BalliSTIc > > SATURDAY Departing 0800 from McDonalds Broxden roundabout for Inverness > Grant & Imy > Kevan & Seonaid > Kebab Nemesis & better half
  15. Sounds good to me looking forward to meeting everyone again.
  16. I will be travelling up on the Saturday so if anyone wants to meet up?
  17. That looks the dogs danglies, if the pictures are anything to go by you have a beaut there. Welcome to the fold.
  18. Get the best you can afford, personally I would opt for the goodyear f1 assymetrics they stick like poo to a blanket
  19. Nice looking motor
  20. Booked into the Royal this morning, dont think there is many rooms left so be quick if you havenet booked yet. Better half doesnt want to leave the cats for too long so no overnight stay in Inverness for us, just a long drive on the Saturday. Looking forward to the run.
  21. Hope the little scroat gets bowel cancer
  22. Have to agree with Paul@Ultimate Shine, give him a visit and he will sort you out, I personally would be horrified at the thought of removing dirt with a waterless method. I will stick to what I know.
  23. Oz wheels definitely, not sure about the blue though
  24. 1. McTwist 2. Mrs McTwist 3. Greersport 4. Mrs Greersport 5. Meercat Exhaust 6. Mrs Meercat 7. Grant 8. Imy 9. Terzo neil 10. Badbaz 11. Mrs Badbaz 12. STI Pretender 13. Mrs STI Pretender 14. Ally-b 15. wrx kenny 16.wrx kenny + nic 17. jimser 18. caitlin 19. gary d 20. leslie 21. yellow craig 22. louise 23. Ed-209 24. kennyuk300 25.Mrs kennyuk300 26. JamesM 27. MrsM 28. Des 29. Maz 30. empty heed 31. empty heeds friend 32. big bob 33. mrs big bob 34. Ace_tingtong 35. Ms Tong 36. Midnight21 37. StrikE 38. Mrs StrikE 39. John St (will need to confirm) 40. Kebab Nemesis 41. Mrs. Kebab
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