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Everything posted by M8JOF1

  1. Getting the scoob fitted with a big fuel pump on Wednesday and also will be getting it remapped on the original ecu. Can someone tell me where to get the software to do this. I have read a million places that this can be done but how?
  2. Magic pics mate. The best caption has to be....... Guy pointing: Scooooooooobaaaaaaaayyyyy Thats about how much a hungover scotland fan can muster.
  3. Dan youve bin watchin too many Simpsons mate wi quotes like that,but your right its long overdue these mods. Cheers for your input St3ph3n if it was up to Greers thats what id huv stickin oot ma bunnet no mistake. Ill have a go in the Forrest shoap first. Will any Subaru made Turbo fit my car ie an STI uprated one? Anybody?
  4. I have an MY00 uk turbo and im due to throw some money at it (not literally,that would just be silly) and would like some advice on what make/size/type of turbo to buy.Bill at Greers tells me a ball bearing number either new or reconditioned would do, any ideas? Oh and dont worry all other mods will be done to help breathing, fueling etc this is just a question that needs askin. thanks in advance.
  5. After going to Knockers last Saturday Dan I would have to agree with the Cossie idea however they are prone to blawin up cos the age of them now so Id stick with Jap engineering and have an R34 skyline,there was a black tuned looking one at Knockhill there.WOW! note to self, sell house and move back in wi parents
  6. Well Grant I think it may be because you have silver wheels on the car just now instead of big gold ones,common problem wi they RAs they dont like it.
  7. Well Davie only two weeks ago I got the old brakes sorted. 294mm EBC grooved,drilled and vented for 4 pot calipers up front and just new grooved ones for the back. Mintex pads(greers recommended) all round which are fairly cheap and as good as your EBC green stuff etc.The huge change I noticed straight away were the new Goodridge braided hoses(ebay 45 bucks), the response you get is unreal. Give this lot a call A to Z motor spares(01924 369 000) very cheap and they will get u the grooved only numbers your looking for. Best o luck.
  8. Ive taken that number Avi cheers,let u know. Dan mate how are you? saw yir photies fae that Oz show you were at, superb pics and that is one hell of a turbo in that Scoob eh?Did you get your wheels powder coated or painted at that guys cos they had a real good finish,ill get on to the boy Bartolo i think. This dent things pissin me right off,folk keep tellin me hmmmmm (rubbing chin with one hand) that will cost ye, eh I faackin didnt need you to tell me that SACK just tell me if you can fix it eh?!!! the story continues.
  9. If a have to go to Timbuckteeth to get it sorted I will so cheers for your help Davie.Ill phone them and see if they paint alloys too.Any idea if they do that??
  10. Hi guys, lookin for a bit of help re a dirty big ding on my rear door drivers side(classic scoob).Its about the size of an A4 piece of paper but stretches over the top half of the door to the botom half.Anywho its been there a while but ive just been told the dent cant be removed and that im looking at either a new door or a patch work job repainting etc etc.Does anyone know a dent removal guy that will give it a bash in the Ayrshire area(excuse the pun) for a secnd opinion or someone with a stick of dynamite which ever?????? I could kill the bam who maimed ma boay.
  11. It makes me laugh too Haggis,I mean all this chat about tuning Subarus,I thought this was an AA meeting.
  12. Avoid S&S,too dear,ignorant and if you have a trade in you would be better off giving it away.Thats what happens when you have a two second chat with the so called owner.
  13. Cheers for the comments Dan, amazing that maguires stuff eh? That indeed was Grants RA you see in the pics,hes got it runnin a bit mental now since it was in a visit to Greers and Meercat for the downpipe.Oh a meant to say he still has the Pulsar but its not allowed out in the rain incase it gets dirty.He just bought some compomotive MOs for it in white they look superb.Im for one of they downpipes maself a think.
  14. Hey hey how ye doin Dan,where the hell in the world are you at the mo? If its Thailand say hi tae Ong Bak for me if its Australia Mick Dundee etc etc.Ha.Very happy with RR result mate,yes the filter you sold me did the trick its breathing like a athlete now.The guy says the downpipe is defo the next mod for the car,so gettin it done very shortly.Hows being away from the crap wather?
  15. Hullo again Im drivin a classic turbo 2000 mica red with gold 18s,cant really miss the thing cos its usually my good lady whose driving it 1/2 a mile to her work.Im goin over on saturday to monkton lodge with ma pal Grant who drives a classic sti ra to see who goes the wee jaunt down the coast thats planned by Del(scoobay).
  16. Sweet ill have a go.Dont hold your breath for pics im hopeless wi these things.Thanks alot.
  17. Hi Folks Been reading your posts on this forum for ages and have finally got my lazy ass round to posting a thread.I know someone asks this every day but can someone tell me how to post a photie i was gonna fire a couple of pics of my ride.oh and cheers for all the advice over the years. m8jof
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