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Everything posted by Gibbsey

  1. Hiya, Just to add that the videos on so far are all the videos I've done for the CADS over the years (yes, "years" now hehe how time flies...) and they are hi resolution too. Be patient with the downloading []
  2. This is your 'automatic' notification []
  3. Oh right. I didn't realise it doesn't notify - sorry guys. Very bizarre that it doesn't notify!
  4. hello [] Surely it notifies the recipient of said PM's as soon as they are sent? Why bother PM then post? Is it me? [] P.S. Little H.... I touch goats lol
  5. I got my reply yesterday, finally. Get well soon Bob
  6. line up the creators of this monster and unleash the bullets! and then fart in their general direction.
  7. Oi! If it wasn't for me... well... um.... if I didn't come along.... um... something would have been worse, I'm sure. [] I did most of the filming too for the video, although lee seems to have left in some of the bad bits I took [:$] cheers bro []
  8. Great pics. Bob looks pretty damn scary there [] Didnt realise you had a cold. get well soon.[W]
  9. I know it's not quite along the calibre of a scooby engine layout but I found this very cool screensaver. It shows an engine being built, nut by bolt to a pretty good soundtrack. It's about 41mb and I have scanned it for the latest viruses and spyware so should be ok to try on your computers. http://www.motorvids.co.uk/DeutzEngine.exe Run the file and click Install. Once it has completed, go into your screensaver configuration and it should be there.
  10. Basically, you have to head butt as many italian footballers as possible [6]
  11. I don't speak italian but I think that is saying that they have hit a 10gb bandwidth limit and has been shut down. It might come back up at the end of the month! [*-)]
  12. http://tonaz.altervista.org/zidane.html []
  13. Just found this. Sorry if it has been said before: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subaru_Impreza Some interesting info on there for the 'party' car. You can even edit the information too
  14. Whenever I have been to the rally, it has always p***ed it down. Might even snow at this one now it's in december! [li] Looking forward though. I have walked up Ben Nevis 3 times so I know how to wrap up []
  15. Try using http://video.google.co.uk instead mate. how big is it?
  16. New glasses are on order, arriving on thursday! [] I'll be able to see again hehe.
  17. Sorry about the delay chaps. Here is the full vid: http://www.avopodcast.co.uk/videos/japfest2006lo.wmv (30mins run time)
  18. Glad to see you didnt crash this time. Although, you can be sure I would have cheered along with the rest if you did... hehe The video is about 90% complete [] should have it viewable at some point during this weekend! There's a couple of bits on the vid that are well funny.
  19. That last scooby at the end is you in that car warby [] Who was the driver by the way please? He deserves a mention in the vid also []
  20. :EDIT: Intro hs been removed in favour of the full thing here: http://www.avopodcast.co.uk/videos/japfest2006lo.wmv (30mins run time) []
  21. ok pete. here it is: http://www.avopodcast.co.uk/videos/convoy.wmv
  22. got one compiling for you now mate. 2mins long. I'll post on here when it's ready to watch.
  23. The one I'm using is 'I Want You'. As in, I would rather like to have that car [] or perhaps the women I filmed tee hee
  24. I did get some good footage at least. I am working on it day by day and will be released soon. I'm taking it easy on this one - doing a nice job on it. This one is pretty tricky because I have chosen some pretty fast music. (does anyone remember the band, Utah Saints?) [] Trying to get it all going in time with the music is turning out to be very complex. I take a break every now and then because I get my head confused! [] You guys will be the first to know so bear with me... [H]
  25. Who said that!??? Who's there!? Hehe, yeap. My Glasses went out the sodding window as I was filming Warby. I saw something drop on the road but didn't realise it was my glasses until I stuck my head back in the car! I have it all on film - well funny. There goes £100+ for some new 'uns []
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