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RS Grant

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Posts posted by RS Grant

  1. Steve, here is the thread on Passionford with updates etc.. I'll try to keep this thread updated as well. The prices for the Ferries seem to be very similar to what you quoted above and I do think its worth travelling from Hull or Newcastle rather than trying to blat down the UK to join the group in Dover. :)

    Pedro and JAC.. be good to see one or both of your cars on the Ring. :lol:



  2. Here is the report that the organiser did for his 2007 report, which has a rough guide to costs involved for this trip too... although things will have changed slightly since then regarding exchange rates, petrol prices etc.


    Cal, who runs the Ferry crossing that you used from Newcastle?? ...because in true RS Grant style, the route of least possible stress seriously appeals to me. :)

    Steve, would be great to get a few of us travelling from up here mate. The more the merrier. :lol:



  3. grant,

    i'm heading over that time - tis my birthday weekend - will hopefully have a new car by then too...

    was there last year for rock am ring....

    are the rosyth ferrys back on?

    i mind speaking to dunc when he went over in his stripped out 200sx - crazy bugger even took that to work!


    Nyle, as far as I know the Rosyth stuff is still a no-go?? The main group for the trip I'm thinking about is going from Calais, however, I was thinking about using the Hull ferry and hooking up with the group over there.. because driving the length of the UK isn't so bad on the way, but after a few days of banter, I really couldn't face that boring drive home again.

    I'm going to talk to Dunc and see if he fancies the trip over. There are a couple of people locally that I talked to tonight who seem pretty keen for it, would be great to have a group of local mates/people I know from owners club to go with but its hard to tie in holidays/finances for everyone at the same time.

    Like I said above, there are a few EVOs going to be there, so that should satisfy your weird fetish for all things darkside mate... :driving::D



  4. That IS good figures for a VF28.. I thought they were kinda flow limited to c320bhp. :D

    Personally speaking, if I wanted to reach your power levels, it would be between a VF34/35 and a TD05 16g.... can only really see the spool rates being the difference between the two really as they are both capable of decent power.



  5. Just seeing if there are any people genuinely booked or looking to book a trip over this year??

    Thinking about heading over (14th-18th May) with a few people from Passionford... some Evos, BMWs and a couple of Imprezas, so not many Fords!! :D ...just wondered if any groups from here are planning to head over??



  6. yep family owned from day one and totaly rebuilt in 97

    as for all others going on about experience i have loads of it even tho i only passed over a year ago due to being banned for 10 strech but wether i press lightly or hard on the breaks they just bubble back so much that iam heading to wiltshire to get up grades at the nephews garage and some major enhancments

    I have heard of people taking the ABS fuse out on classics... never tried it myself so cant say if its a worthwhile exercise or not, but I do know how poor Subaru ABS is in slippy conditions, seems to crap itself and cut in really early.

    However, with the handling being a bit poo on fast road tyres in snow can mean there is plenty scope for a bit of fun and self-taught skid control. On private land of course......... :huh:



  7. Gaz, think you're from same sort of area as me.. did you give Hectyre a shot at quoting, they've supplied me with 5 or 6 sets of Eagle F1 tyres and have consistently been the best price.

    Their number is: (01382) 456660. :huh:

    Depends on the kind of driving you do in the car to be honest, if its commuting and fun then I'd say c1k from fronts and if its purely fun car then you'll maybe see 7k out of them. However, that'll be one of (if not) the best tyres you will use, so much confidence wet or dry.



  8. lol @ Kev... no bother lad, just 'bash on' and let me know when you're done. :huh:

    Paul, I know exactly what you mean!! If I had the money I'd have a Classic Track Car and this USDM stuff would be happening to the SpecG a-sap... however I dont, so it wont. :D

    Oobster, have you got a contact number for him?? I've seen a few of you boys talk about his work on here, might be worth giving him a shout and seeing what he thinks and if he's done this sort of thing before. Like I said, its gonna be back end of the year at earliest, but I'd like to have a plan of action sorted if/when it happens. :)

    Pedro, its because you dont see it done here that I want to do it... Scoobs are popular cars and its nice to be a wee bit different to the rest IMO. ;)



  9. I have a mate with a classic that will refuse to open if he parks it in a certain parking space at the local station lol

    I've hard a few people say Impreza's are really bad for radio bleed and it causing all sorts of problems

    We had that on one of the SS runs... IIRC it was a P1 that needed pushed 'out of range' of the mast??



  10. Thanks Windy.. more looking for people that are confident in pulling the arches out for me, so somewhere thats done this sort of thing before.

    Pedro, quite a bit..... probably?! I'd like to be able to run a 9" or 9.5" wide wheel with 245 or 255 section tyres on the car without worrying too much about scrubbage on cornering or bumps in the road. :huh:

    I'm willing to travel reasonable distance (50-60 miles?) to get this done correctly, so suggestions out-with the Tayside Fife area are welcome too. :D



  11. Just wondering if anyone on here knows of a decent bodyshop which could do the above to a high standard?? ...thinking about a couple of mods towards the back end of this year and it might require the arches to be pulled slightly to give a bit more clearance. :D



  12. Grant he never did a very good job of fitting the alarm to my car .I ended up sorting the postion of the siren and he never sent me a valet sensor if thats what its called and i had to refit some of the interior .Its like if you won't a job done right do it your self

    First time I've ever heard something bad about Gavs work to be honest mate.



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