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About Caz

  1. lol sorry to disappoint (?) but i'm afraid i did have some on - just had to crop the pic to size
  2. << came through this morning, very impressed with it! after reading a report about a driver training day that a certain someone did, i want to do one!!! looked like a top day out and to think they didnt even name the articles contributor!!!! >> Yup it certainly looked good pele, i'd love to do one and keep the numbers up for the girls!
  3. I do the Marketing and PR for a hotel company, which involves organising advertising, promotions, wedding fayres, copy and press releases but at the moment i'm a full time mummy to my 12 week old baby boy
  4. Pele, could i have a xl ladies in subaru blue with yellow stitching, with Caz on the back will it be ok to give you the money in full on sunday?
  5. << Nice nickname Caroline >> Another Caz nice one!
  6. Morning everyone! I have just joined the club this morning after seeing an article about the club in the Herald. I'm Caroline, i live near Folkestone and drive a GX Sport, i know its only a Scooby pup but it's a start ;o)
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