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Everything posted by Stretch

  1. Howdo....Im a Independant financial adviser for my sins....stressful as feck sometimes, but it pays the bills !!
  2. Hiya Redraw...theres a local meet in crayford on thursdays...whereabouts my friend ??
  3. Reb classic going past Crook log yesyerday at 12.45pm....lovley car and thanks for the flash...sorry all i could do was wave....(fag in hand phone to ear)...ssscchhhh
  4. Wow...looks absolutley stunning mate....Your scoobie is bloody sexy, who needs internet porn when you have a kitted out impreza! ...says it all there !! all it needs now is a complete re spray in wr blue and it will look like a proper scoobie.......Not sure about WR Blue though John......a bit common for my liking...true, true !! LOL SILVER IS THE FASTEST COLOUR !!!!! ...absofeckinglutley !!!
  5. cheque in post Pele
  6. Thanks Pele
  7. large please let me know when and where you want the dosh Pele....and thanks Lee - Black, Large, white stitching - matching skirt - paid in full Pele - Gold, Medium, red stitching, name on back - paid in full Wes - Suabru Blue, XLarge, yellow stitching, name on back - deposit paid Tony - Silver, large, blue stiching , name on back Victoria Plum , 4-5 yrs,blue stiching , name on back Joe - Black, Medium, Silver stitching,name on back (polo) Joe - Subaru Blue,Medium,Yellow stitching,name on back (polo) Chloe - White,small/medium,bright pink stitching (v-neck) Quentin - Black, Medium, Gold stitching, Q-Dog on back - deposit paid Sophie - Black, Medium Ladies, Gold stitching, Q-Dog's Bitch on back - deposit paid riceboy-subaru blue, yellow stitch,large, name on back zoe-black,baby pink stitch,medium/large, no name riceboy-red, black stitch,large,name on back Damon Hill - Medium polo in blue. Gold stitching. Damon.H on the back - deposit paid Cheshire cat - White, pink stitching - paid in full Scooby wannabe - black, dusky pink stitching, name on back - paid in full Stretch - Red with silver writing and name on back(stretch) large
  8. Am i to late ???? Any chance of a med/large silver with red writing and name on back ?? Dont know why i havnt seen this thread before...must be going mad
  9. Blimey thats a read Some really useful info there mate !! Cheers
  10. Sweet !!! Well done you 2
  11. arr....wasne me ....sorry
  12. silver impreza just off kidbrooke interchange flashed and waved i was in the red s reg uk turbo ...think it was me !!! was it about 7.15pm ???
  13. I had a problem with my maf sensor...couldnt fault the service and they repaired a few other bits to. I wouldnt have any trouble recommeding them mate
  14. Nice to meet you mate...lovely motor you have there....enjoy the fun
  15. he's just jealous because he's got a common silver one !!! im with you Tony....remember the silver ones are the fastest Good to have you aboard Red Raw...im not far from you in Dartford so if i see you around i'll give you a flashy wave thing
  16. I touch goats back Pele
  17. wont be able to make that day but i would like to speak to the dent man if poss.... any chance of getting a contact number ?? But i will be at the wharf on the 16th
  18. Welcome......have been very lazy and not came to any of your meets ( and there only down the road ) Nice to have you on our friendly site !!
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