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Everything posted by Dalthegooner

  1. Wouldn't want anyone to think that I was wh0ring though so they'd best be informative posts like all of the others [][]
  2. Best I post a bit more and get my count up []
  3. I've still got one empty square and am only top 25 []
  4. According to the SIDC dictionary contributor is a polite way of saying wh0re []
  5. Hello mink66 and welcome to the extremely sane place called Kent Scoobies [][Y]
  6. [][][][] You've killed Scooby Doo by cutting his head off!!! Don't post that on here or you'll have the law after you [][][]
  7. Might be up for this if I can manage to get home in time for a change. Will let you know nearer the time []
  8. Looking better than the old one at least [][][][]
  9. Spill the beans. It'll be worth more beer []
  10. As frustrating as it is don't rush. Better to wait a couple of months than get someone to rush and make a hash of it! Easier said than done I know, but be strong []
  11. Thats an out and out liberty. F*ck them off and go with someone else [:@] What were you gonna get done? (If it aint a trade secret[])
  12. Yogi; pulling into Barnehurst Station this evening at 6ish.
  13. Go for it Barry. Thats a great plate IMHO [H]
  14. Nice one [Y] Get them pics up []
  15. No wonder he's got a good deal [][]
  16. LMFAO [] What a complete Muppet. How on earth did she manage to get a driving license []
  17. Thats exactly what I'm talking about mate. Mobile phone bill that you've had to run up because of them, home phone and internet bill that you have when you cannot use the service.
  18. Donit forget that for fully paid up members Walldonway and Lifestyle offer discounts [Y] Walldonway Parts - 10% Servicing - 10% Accessories -10% Principle - Cliff Cornwall Sales Manager - Tony Cornwall Service Manager - Bruce Benge Lifestyle Parts - 10% Servicing - 10% Accessories -10% MD - Peter Isted Sales Manager - Paul Elliott Sales Executive - Jonathan Allman http://www.lifestyleeurope.co.uk/
  19. We have been given 15 spaces on the SIDC stand . Don't forget, this is for SIDC members only, so please pm me withyour membership number as you add your name to the list. Meeting times and places will be sorted nearer the time, prices as follows: Entrance fee: £15 per person Track fee (3 runs): £15 Kids under 13 go free If you are going up the strip, don't forget your drivers licence Please add your name to the list: 1. Pele - membership confirmed 2. T123VOR - membership confirmed 3. deani_age - membership confirmed 4. Yogi - membership confirmed 5. Shiralee 6. Loony Toon - membership confirmed 7. Rossyboy wrx - membership confirmed 8. Andy & Hayley XBX - membership to follow Pele as dont have card on me today 9.Dalthegooner & Kim - Membership Number PM'd 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Anybody who adds their name to the list without confirming their membership number will be removed.
  20. I'm so happy that this is a happy place []
  21. Welcome back mate. I hope you've been non stop complaining to Thames Water and are getting some compo []
  22. The mesh was crafted with my very hands, with much blood shead[] You've done an excellent job mate [Y] What have you put around the edge and how have you fixed it in place? (If you don't mind me asking) Apart from flesh, around the edges is vacume hose to stop the sharp edges from messing up the paint, and the number plate holds it in place if your at the meet i'll show you Nice one [Y]
  23. The mesh was crafted with my very hands, with much blood shead[] You've done an excellent job mate [Y] What have you put around the edge and how have you fixed it in place? (If you don't mind me asking)
  24. I wish. No flames out of my exhaust [][]
  25. The idiots from the council haven't gritted around here. Maybe the snow caught them out [:^)]
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