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Everything posted by Dalthegooner

  1. Dark blue newage going into Maidstone on the road from Bluebell Hill to Maidstone. Silver newage outside a school on Maidstone Road (I think thats what the road was called anyway []) Your daughter looked like she was well happy to be picked up in a scooby mate [Y] Dark blue classic wagon going over Rochester Bridge.
  2. It is possible that there are two earths in there. One for the clock and one for the light, a permanent live for the clock, an ignition switched live for the light and then a wire that gets connected to the side light live that dims the clock light a little bit when the lights are turned on so as not to be to bright at night. Much like the screen of your stereo. As for what wire does what it would be pure guess work and it is very easy to fry the clock. Is there any exposed metal part of the clock? If so you should be able to use a multimeter to check which wire is the ground by seeing which wires have continuity between the exposed metal and the ground wire. Can you remove the lamp and see which wires that are going into the lamp holder? This might eliminate another couple of wires. If you want me to I will make a guess at what wire does what but I would advise against it. I'm gonna totally backtrack on what I said before Darryl. The red is the switched and the yellow is permanent live, not the other way around [:$]
  3. Good news. Glad its finally sorted and your happy with it [Y] And some great figures to boot [H]
  4. Quality [H]
  5. im confused what's this list for? Thats the full SIDC list whereas ours is a regional list that makes up part of the full list. Pele x 15 at number 60 on the full list are our 15 tickets that will be sent to Pele to distribute to the names on the regional list [Y]
  6. Cars fine Sue, had one of the front wheels off in the front room for cleaning. Its much more comfy sitting on the settee polishing than in the road []
  7. Hello mate and welcome to the crazy gang [] Yet another estate wagon I see [][][]
  8. Yep, its the others you've got to worry about [] Welcome along Andy []
  9. Blue blobeye, roundabout on Princes Road, just before the Tunnel roundabout about 10 this morning [Y] Blue UK300 going across Dartford Bridge between 2 and 3 this afternoon [Y] Your drivers side brake light is out mate []
  10. Happy Birthday mate [Y] Hope you have a good one [^]
  11. Hello Matt and welcome to the funny farm [Y]
  12. PMSL []
  13. Prodrive Tony Granby Yogi- Baz69birds ( TBC ) [Y] Dunks Woody-Cdas T123VOR Leebo77 (subject to work and should have the RB by then) Dalthegooner
  14. As long as theres a pic of the Type R variation of the classic then you can put anything you like on it [][]
  15. Yes mate, yellow is switched live. What are the colours?
  16. Might be good to show these dodgy Evo owners how its done [][][]
  17. As far as I know the cigarette lighter is a switched live and for the clock you will need a permanent live otherwise every time you switch the ignition off the clock will stop. I would imagine that the clock has 3 wires. One will be a permanent live, one a ground and the third an illuminations light. For the permanent live I'd use the permanent live to the stereo. Put in an in line fuse between the back of the stereo and the clock. There should be a light on the cigarette lighter that turns on with the lights. There are plenty of ground cables in the stereo, cigarette lighter area for you to get one. A multimeter or a 12v test light will let you work out which cables to use. I have no idea which colours of wires out of the back of the clock are which one though. The most common colours are Red for permanent live, Black for ground and Orange for the illuminations; although these colours are mainly for aftermarket accessories and the original wiring loom colours could bear no resemblance.
  18. Would you like to rephrase that Dal [] Its always good fun to have a little play with a fellow scooby owner [][]
  19. Hello mate and welcome to the madhouse []
  20. Thanks for all of those 2000 informative and intelligent posts Barry [Y] NOT!!!!!! You f***ing wh0re [][][][]
  21. Happy Birthday Justine [^][^][D][D][G][G] Hope you've spent loads of Shreks money [][][Y]
  22. Spotted you right back Martin [] Car looked nice and tidy from behind [H] Shame I had to pick the Mrs up and we couldn't play for a bit longer [Y]
  23. Thats quality. Definately something that they'll never forget.
  24. Thats crisp [H]
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