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About peteruk300

  1. s****e mate, lets hope the scum bags meet with a long and painful demise ... Hope the insurance come through for you.......
  2. Sorry all the site just had a hiccup or six... Cannot delete either......... Told me it could not serve my request, then chucks loads of copies of my post up..........
  3. Imagine popping down the shops in that. You would be there before you left home []
  4. Imagine popping down the shops in that. You would be there before you left home []
  5. Imagine popping down the shops in that. You would be there before you left home []
  6. Imagine popping down the shops in that. You would be there before you left home []
  7. Imagine popping down the shops in that. You would be there before you left home []
  8. Designed by Homer Simpson (explains a lot)
  9. Congrats on your purchase and get used to the GRIN []
  10. Pikes Peak in the USA hold that event every year. Not sure many competitors are as quick as that though Here's a link http://www.ppihc.com/default.asp?mtype=maps&contid=29
  11. Only Skylines to go for are the GTR34 V spec II or Nur spec both still very expensive to buy and maintain and quite rare to find for sale hence still go for 30k plus A Scooby is an easier car to live with day to day and heaps of fun, Oh and cheaper to run (I know hard to believe but true)[]
  12. All Just a reminder TG 8pm BBC2 tonight (Sunday) Hamsters Crash
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