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About P1_Paul

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  1. Priviledge wanted a tracker fitted to a 2001 Wrx before they insured me.
  2. I might have one in the garage, I'll check.
  3. You're very lucky then, because part of the eSVA test the emissions are tested and added to the V5, technically if your car was imported and registered after the cut off date you should be paying £400+. Just be thankful for the muppets at the DVLA.
  4. There is E85 BioEthanol available(at least it was) at the Morrisons supermarket. Not to be used unless mapped for though.
  5. No not mine, looks very similar, right down to the Recaro's and crystal repeaters, jdm rear lights etc. V.Nice.
  6. Plenty in Rosyth.
  7. Looks like it might be my old car, what's the last three digits of the reg?
  8. Who is saying that Shell are intorducing E85? This isn't true!! At best they will be introduce V-Power with a 5% bioethanol content as per EU regulations, that's it.
  9. That's been around for a while now, full throttle and double tap the de-mister.
  10. The reverse engineering of the ecutek lock/protocol is no different to what ecutek did with the subaru/Denso one. There is no license, that's merely a marketing term imho, I certainly never seen nor agreed to one when I had my map. I agree this shouldn't be used to steal maps, however, it is handy if you have one of the ecu's that can't be unlocked. I now have a non-ecutek ecu and have played about with LC, it works well, it'll build 10 or so psi stationary. Dual maps are available but only a few Roms are supported. I'd be willing to help anyone out that wanted to get started using OS to log or map, just give me a shout.
  11. Just to add that there is no proof that ECUEdit is pirate, far from it. They've obvioulsy reversed engineered the ECUTek handshaking protocols(lock) but that's no different to what ECUTek/ECUFlash have done with the Subaru/Denso ECU.
  12. Hi Andy, I'm sure you can understand my query, that's a good 4-500rpm before I would expect a VF35 to make that boost, kinda makes you think whats the point of the twin scroll if the single scroll turbo can spool as well. I'd go as far as saying that's one of the quickest spooling VF35 in the world, good claim to fame! I'm away to blow it through my hoop, not looking forward to it!! Cheers, Paul
  13. The VF35 doesn't spool that fast mate. What gear was this in, are you using your boost gauge to verify that or is it via laptop? Edit - Unless you are on a 2.5, but even that is a push.
  14. 1.6 bar at 2800rpm, that's the same as my VF36, I'd need to see some logs/graphs to beleive that one!
  15. LOL, happened to me last night too.
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