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Everything posted by gunther

  1. Karl I have a 10% off voucher if you want it....
  2. I done better in the Escort but really enjoyed the Scooby, I just wished the track they use for the Scooby was a bit longer. Im off to get my shoulders massaged now, just feeling a bit tight now[]
  3. T o be honest I enjoyed playin in the Escort more than the Scooby[:$]
  4. Had a great day[] Here is a photo ,, more to come http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/nat5886/01260130.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/nat5886/00950128.jpg
  5. Thats what he has been told to do by Christoper Neil.
  6. Here you go mate[Y] Make a start http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/nat5886/ff000523.jpg''>http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/nat5886/ff000523.jpg' mce_href="http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/nat5886/ff000523.jpg">
  7. Running it in. He is trying to get to that 1000 mile asap.
  8. No she has her own 56 plate white STI[H]
  9. He live's quite close to there Lee might of been the same one[Y]
  10. Went to price some work today and look what the guy had[H]. He took me for a spin and what a car[]. It was a pity he could not go over 4000 revs[] but the acceleration to get there was nice. Unfortunatly he cannot make the meet tomorrow but will ask him again. And thats me white van behind it[:$]
  11. Cheers Bob, hope to see you soon[Y]
  12. Hi Bob hows things?????? Any dates for trackrod?
  13. Excellent vid Andy[Y] Rasher should of let us pass on that bend[]
  14. go to my profile John www.myspace.com/j0nah73 and on the right hand side there should be "top 100 Myspace layouts" Click on that, find yourself a background or layout, copy the HTML code and paste it in to your "about me" or "interests" bit in your profile. Andy I must be blind[] I cant see it
  15. How do you get a background on your homepage as mine is boring ???
  16. Since I've gone on this I've had a lot of people wanting to be my friend is this normal,? A very nice looking girl called Mellisa has sent ne a few emails now[]
  17. Looks cheap Andy but what can you use it for[]
  18. And me and me[Y]
  19. Who's Tom[]
  20. He had a bloody cheek going back in there after what he said about them[]
  21. Was a good day sorry morning. Just got out of bed......... Thanks Andy[Y]
  22. Very nice[Y]
  23. Welcome mate: We are having a drive out this Sunday you are more than welcome.
  24. Wish I had pics of my old Capri 3.0s[]
  25. Andy, sorry but will not be able to make it. Work Work and more Work[]
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