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Posts posted by jcscoob

  1. WRX Spot lights, that light blue paint job, 17 inch PF7 wheels finished in a chrome colour and other stuff, oh yes, and a badge!

    My point exactly. And you forgot the X-amount of extra thousand price tag that could be spent on a few choice mods and a proper map, if i was spending X-amount of thousands it wouldn't be on a WR1 !

    Ps, All scoobs rock. If it wasn't the old UK that most of us have owned and been totally inspired from we wouldn't be here today. :iagree:

  2. How can a Newbie like me argue with a man with Subaru clothes.

    I stand corrected, my car is pants

    I love this thread, lol :thumbup::P

    BTW, what does a WR1 have that an STI doesn't ? (other than the color, a funnky'ish subaru map, and high price tag !!! B) )

  3. Grant see the Piston heads advert the subaru items have the same phone number and rsturbo part has a different phone did you notice that by chance

    Down Glasgow way yous have "DI Lee" but up here we have "DI Dipsy" :lol: !! Good detective work young Dipsy :huh:

  4. How you getting on with the new tyres JC? and how ya finding the new size? Think I'm gonna get a set this week, also changing the size from 205/45 to 215/40 like yaself.



    Well the car is still off the road for winter/condition of my arms, so i cant realy say how they feel performance wise but they do look the nutts and if they are half as good as A539's they will be twice as good as my old toyo's, and about a hundred times better than Pzero's/banana skins that were on my car as std :rotfl:

  5. Well, the hatches are here.

    Have opinions changed? Are the boys chopping in newages for classics and hatches a taste of things to come?

    Genuinely interested, nit just having a dig BTW.

    I realy like the new newage but also realy like hawks (only STI's). But as Jerry "the helmet" Clarkson says about the Ferrari's comparing an Enzo with an F40 if you stamp on the gas the Enzo puts your gas stamp past an electronic panel of electronic judges before the power goes down unlike the F40 when you press the gas the gas goes down ...... I would imagine that its the same story with scoobs !! :rotfl:

    Ps, mon the classics :rotfl:

  6. I thought that the point was you did it on the rear of the badge, so you'd not be able to do it all in white first 'cos then you'd not see any blue.

    I reckon you'd need to mask it off so you were only painting the white bits of the flag first, then remove the masking and do it all in blue, 'cos blue over the back of the white shouldn't make a difference.

    Fancied having a go at one myself actually.

    The word "nail" and "head" spring to mind :rotfl:

  7. Ok, i think i would rather have the yokohams over the toyo's as i had a set or A539's on the goblin and found them very good changed to toyos and hated them.

    now on fleybay i can get these to my door for ....

    4 x pradas - 205/45/17 = £346 .. but ....

    4 x pradas - 215/40/17 = £259 .. WTF, you would think the smaller tyre would be cheeper !

    What do the masses think about changing tyre size ?

    BTW its the 205's a standard.

  8. Right folks the P1 is needing some new rubber, so wot i am thinking is Toyo proxy4's or t1r/s's or yokohama prada spec2's

    has anyone got/using proxy4's or prada spec2's. i am a wee bit of a yokohama fan, but just not sure where to spend the wise old pennys ???


  9. Great news higgy that is rapiedo in a new age, hats off :D

    If you keep the number 3 spot for as long as i did (with the std engine :P ), it will be up there for ages/years/to long, get yersell in to the tens my man. :P:D :D

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