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Everything posted by andy_bray

  1. << Can't believe I actually thought it would be dry tonight!! Bl**dy weather!! I need a jetski, not a motorbike for this climate!! >> LOL Jimmy dude...The weather is SH!T , and it has given this tommorrow as well...
  2. Happy birthday boss.......
  3. Good morning all dudes...Are you doing any thing this weekend ??????
  4. << FFS dudes. Just got in after 14 hour day and I'm knackered. Greeted by a p!ssed missus snoring on the couch Anyone got a room spare coz I am seriously %$£ked off with this >> Nick dude my bloody missus is the same ...She is louder than a bloke...
  5. << Afternoon dudes! >> Hows it going Jim dude???? Afternoon all..
  6. Good morning all dudes...
  7. << He's still doing shift work, wont be over till Richard and Margy get back anyway. Did see you this morn Andi, just to late, not use to the Audi yet. Mornin dudes, respray tomorrow. >> Nice one Dave dude....
  8. Dudes where has Custom Jon gone ?????
  9. Good morning all dudes , how is it going....????
  10. << << << Evening dudes, work finished till Monday could do with a coule of trips over the mountain not to worry, roll on July Cheers Paul >> Paul dude , come on over the boats or cheap M8... The mountain is waiting .... >> Would love to Andi dude but too much to do & got some poorly front disks, don't think they would stand up to the mountain at the moment will all be sorted before July may have to go for a play locally Paul >> It will not be long for you and Debbie to come over in july , it will be good to see you again..
  11. << Evening dudes, work finished till Monday could do with a coule of trips over the mountain not to worry, roll on July Cheers Paul >> Paul dude , come on over the boats or cheap M8... The mountain is waiting ....
  12. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH So there is someone else on here , Hi dudes...
  13. Good morning all dudes ... Or sould I say morning Andi dude!!!!! LOL...
  14. DUDES !!!! Are you there???? Seen you Nick at the petrol station today.....
  15. Good morning all dudes...Good weekend ????
  16. << you guys seen this on scoobynet. clicky. and this iomonline >> Thanx for that one M8....
  17. << Andi - saw you driving the Leggy just towards Ballacraine this avvy. Was coming the other with my mate on our bikes after doing some greenlaning. >> Sorry i missed you Jim dude, I went the long way around to south barrule to take the dog for a walk. Hows the rad M8 ?????
  18. Good morning dudes..
  19. Nice one Jim dude, Let us know how the Legacy gos with the new rad in M8..
  20. Good morning dudes , having anther viewing on the house today...
  21. << But I thought all noisy scoobs sound pretty much the same?! >> No Jim , thats like saying all ladies t!ts are all the same, if you know what i mean dude.. Your scooby has a sound all of its own M8...
  22. << << Nice to see you Nick dude this morning ... >> Andi dude, I was actually awake this morning and it helps as I now have the reg of the Audi tatooed in my brain >> LOL Nick dude ...
  23. << Morning dudes! Bloody hell dude - how car you hear my sewing machine noise engine through a couple of rows of houses?! >> Oh , I can tell the sound of your car Jim dude... Nice to see you Nick dude this morning ...
  24. morning all dudes , I herd you this morning Jim dude going home .....
  25. Evening dude , hows it going?????
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