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Everything posted by andy_bray

  1. Evening dudes , hot night ....
  2. Good morning dudes...
  3. Well done Jimmy dude , Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet..
  4. Good morning dudes , How did the parts that you put on last night go Jim ???? Jimmy dude how did you get on yesterday?? And does anybody know who is the best on the island for HGV lessons...thanx chaps...
  5. << Bloody hell, that was quick! Top man! Glad it's sorted matey. This evening I'm going to try to refit my electronic boost controller and see how things go with that and the new chip. Don't suppose anyone happens to have a spare water/air legacy cooler lying about do they?! >> Yes Jim dude it was quick I ordered the alternator Mon at 11.30 and was hear withme at Wed 10.30... Good luck with the mods on your car Jim and hope that sorts theprobs M8... No spare cooler Jim... Got your e-mail Richard , looks like a good doo again...
  6. Jim dude the LEGGY is go , got my Alternator off Howard... Happy again...
  7. << Morning dudes Off to Jurby tonight for Pre-licence written test. Hopefully be a piece if pi$$. Weather is sh*t. >> Good luck Jimmy dude , It is ment to be getting better weather in the afternoon...
  8. Dave,That scooby of yours is going to be the DOGS TACKEL when you get it all finshed it , Tart... Very nice and I still will say that it will be the best looking scooby on the Island .. sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.. Jim good news on the Leggy then. It sound like your a little bit happyer with your scooby M8... Good morning dudes...Its raining again...
  9. Just measuring parts on a new age engine like the belt covers, brakes & oil reservoirs.. Like I said before TARTY shiney chrome bits , It is one of Dave M8s that is making chrome parts for all Scoobys..... Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet Louis was happy to see us Dave at his school , His mates where well impressed to see two scoobs going past.... See you later...
  10. << Morning dudes - new chip should be here today! What are you and Dave up to then Andi? Some secret project?! >> OH yes Jim dude ....It is not secret , Its top secret....LOL All I can say it is a TARTING PROJECT.....sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
  11. Good morning dudes , I will see you at 12 0clock then Dave ....Its it still on even if it is raining???
  12. << That's not a bad price mate! He knows his legacies inside out too! Surprised there's a difference between the uk/jdm ones though. At least you can get it sorted anyway. You can always flog the other one on the legacy forum mate. >> Yes you right Jim dude he does know his Leggys even down to the round socket .. And a nice person to deal with... And yes I will flog the other one ..
  13. << Try Howard at HDC subaru, or Grade A. >> Hi Jim dude , I phoned Howard and he has sorted me out with one £25+vat . And he rememered me from the last time when I ordered a rad from him over 2 years ago.... Thanx Jim...
  14. << Try Howard at HDC subaru, or Grade A. >> Will do Jim , I did win one on e-bay but I have just found out it is for a import and it is a 3 pined alternator and mine being a uk legacy it has 4 pined one , So I will have a spaire one for your on Jim dude....
  15. Morning dudes....
  16. << You not had any luck so far Andi? Take it the car is just getting a flat battery repeatedly after using it but not leaving anything switched on? Bummer dude. >> No Jim , I went to Ramsey to pick the dog up from the kennels and it was fine going there , but on the way back the battery light came on on the dash..... I just got it home !!!! and the battery was fine when I left and when I got back it was very flat... I will be phone some of the brakers today.... Richard dude it is the old Legacys Alternator......
  17. << Got 4 arriving on Friday dude? >> Sorry M8 I need it before then. Evening dudes.
  18. DUDES has anybody got a Alternator for a scooby knocking around ??????
  19. << Mornin dudes. Good hol Andi? I require your STI this week too!! >> No probs Dave dude let us know M8......... Your car is looking good Dave ....
  20. Good morning all dudes....
  21. << Appreciated duuuuuuuuuudes Dave looks wickid man!! Innit!! Cheers for the PMs dudes Type R is now stripped of most bits. Clean and time to go back together >> Me too Jon dude ....SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET...
  22. DUDES !!!!!!! Iam back...
  23. Good morning all dudes a bit of a wet one this morning Off on my HOLS down to London and Suffork...
  24. << Cheers Andi, got the spring compressors. Just waiting for the springs now. 50mm drop Lol thats the drop when fitted to an NA impreza so I should see 20mm as STI's sit lower than UK's. >> Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet dude LOL Nick , Fat birds...
  25. Evening dudes , Nice night again....
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