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scientific steve

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About scientific steve

  1. would that be someone who went to mix some ceeeeement?
  2. You mean something like this about 1 min in Looks like the hard work is coming together Peter
  3. Pedro, you crazy crazy man Looks like it's going to be a monster, good effort to ya lad. Hope it all works out for ya and that you aint going to have too many issues keeping it on the road with all of them horses pounding under that lid
  4. If I remember right (it was a year or so ago) when I was having a bleather with Andy N at AWD he mentioned that his car was able to go to and run at 1000bhp but it would need rebuilding after 20 hours use, or somewhere around them lines So it was "detuned" to 750 or so for more realiable use
  5. Didnt know that you guys were expecting Congrats to you both and wish you all the very best Dont know or care on what has gone on in the past, all I know is you put yer hand in yer pocket when my other half was going on the NY marathon, thats good enough for me
  6. LOL Aye and no, it's only when I hear the bikes and cars blatting down the coast road and I hanker after a bit of B road madness, was thinking about getting a older M3 and having a wee bit of fun with summit like that. The thing I dont miss is the fuel bills
  7. Cars lookin sweeeeet as Andy Just think you could be doing with a bit more BLUE in and on it Best of luck with the season
  8. Sir, You realy are as mad as a fruit pastel stuck up a badgers nose Cool car, not 100% on the body kit though but its yours to enjoy and I'm deffo sure that you will I think you may need one of these to go with your banana hammock http://www.filmfodder.com/reviews/archives/borat.jpg that would be a sight for taking a set of spoons to your eye balls
  9. Thats ace Funny how we just remember the important stuff
  10. That truly is gutting matey
  11. Could it be to do with the Turbo Timer lad? Have you tried to interficker with that?
  12. Is there not something about our old fart paper one being fazed out? As in we need to get the new photo plastic licence by a certain date cause of the euro nutters?
  13. And at about 20 MPH too Rich, that car just keeps getting better and better
  14. I find it quite funny that in the years of scooby ownership not once did I get stopped by the police I dont know if that was just luck on my part or what? The last time I did get stopped was back in 1995 on a new years morning driving to westhill in a works transit van at about 02:00 Only had three drinks the whole night which did show up on the test but as it was a low reading they werent bothered. But as folk have said they're only doing their job, I had a wee bit of banter with them and they wished me a happy new year too Not all cops are airses, its just that they have to deal with a right bunch of airses all day, so I think I would be on my guard too if I was doing the same job as them
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