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Everything posted by edmondo

  1. Its only just that the law hasnt caught up with you yet talking of which I notice your car is covered in silver primer - when are you gonna get it sprayed a proper colour
  2. Have spoken to Night Prowler about your Bed Reservation
  3. I cant ...............gotta pick Jacqui up later Cant tomorrow cos going to a Wedding Reception tomorrow night - Dont worry there will be a TV there so Can watch us stuff the yanks
  4. thats gonna be a definate date
  5. yep it was strange how he changed lanes.............he was sat at the lights and they changed as I got there so went through so I reckon he thought I was gonna floor it - but seeing him change lanes I made sure I stayed just under the limit
  6. definately Graphics mate...........only certain colours can get away being "naked"
  7. ok mate...............will look at an easterly direction
  8. just bumping this up as a reminder
  9. Went to pick Jacqui up late last night and a dark coloured 2010 plate Beemer switched lanes at the Coate Water Roundabout and followed me up Marlborough Road towards Old Town............as I turned off to go into Wakefield House he turned up towards Old Town itself. Guessing it was a member of her majestys Constabluary
  10. to you the thread thats pinned at the top of the page about jining SIDC
  11. The World Cup that is ................this is the only good thing about being unemployed ............COME ON ENGLAND
  12. Your company picked up my Scooby a couple of years ago when the Gearbox failed..............Took me from Sainsbury at Marston to home at Liden........and then transported it a couple of days later to a garage in Chippenham
  13. no sorry mate...............mind you age and alchohol has finally got to my addled brain
  14. seen his name as a new user but no posts yet
  15. if the outside is anything to go by then yes its gonna be messy
  16. my mrs has been to a charity event so I had to pick her up Download festival - is that on the Isle of Wight? - If so Micheal Jenkins ( who has a P1 ) from the Oxon Area Dont Know - gonna keep bugging Iain...............However there is a 4 Wheel Drive Rolling Road near Combe.............Theres also Interpro at Thornbury and of course Power Station at Tewkesbury...........or we could end up going to DSA at Aylesbury.
  17. keep telling him to lose weight but he just wont listen............keeps drinking strongbow
  18. Pete No Fear will be able to tell you as he does a lot of Car work around Yeovil..............If you aint had a reply by tonight then I will give him a call
  19. Hello N.P.................Yep we are aiming for Sept / Oct - Cooler weather better readings......................currently badgering the Oxon R/O to organise one........................will keep you posted mate
  20. ...............about 6 foot tall and 6 foot wide
  21. know what you mean about being out of work frustrating going for a "flip" are you?
  22. thats for everyone to decide............personally I love Ham Hill but if there is something better in the area then we will go there
  23. ah right.............its going cheap
  24. I have a 1.6 Mondy on a L Plate............rather battered etc but is still o goer if you are interested............saves you getting rid of the Scoob averages 35 plus to the gallon still
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