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Everything posted by edmondo

  1. can you let us know for definate so we could have a Convoy of 3!!!!
  2. I struggle with most speed bumps..............and if the car is fully laden then I have to take a route that avoids bumps
  3. to stop chavs like you racing up and down the road at 25 mph seriously though - that means there is no way I will be going down that road
  4. no goss or scandal mate...............and none that I can make up either
  5. we had a Ham Hill meet a couple of weeks ago and are doing another one in the not to distant future. However if someone wants to organise say a meet in Weston for instance then get it up on here.
  6. so far mate............most of the time its just us - however perhaps this time some more would like to join us?
  7. far beyond redemption mate
  8. my favourite is the White Cat in a Snowstorm at night
  9. yeah yeah yeah paperwork????? - more like just colouring in
  10. you nearly wet yourself cos of your dodgy prostate you gotta work???????.............thats lame excuse number 4 in my book
  11. James...............saw you looking at the Oxford meet thread............are you gonna make the effort or have you got another lame excuse
  12. at the moment you have us and Walshy from Swindon which are not on your list
  13. tut tut - you been rumbled
  14. Thats a strange present to give someone - a hand
  15. another Top Job by the Guru Later? - ok catch you in the next week sometime then
  16. anyway did your car survive the journey to the Hospital and back?
  17. and now thats 5 years of therapy I am gonna need anyway I do not need to know your Manchester Road habits
  18. 10 apples a day - what a healthy specimen you are
  19. what with that beer gut sticking through
  20. see now who is over the abyss you have 5 of them a day - you have a problem
  21. Ha - Jamie Boy been rumbled .......................now go get her slippers etc - and that pinny suits you sir ( madam )
  22. never never knock the effects of the yellow fizzy stuff
  23. she really outta get her own log on - then it would get her more involved.......remember the Nur Spec
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