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Posts posted by edmondo

  1. Sorry guys but  Ed has been called into work tomorrow and so we will not be attending, I have passed the tickets and 1 spare pass to olly who is meeting bob at gordano to pass them to him. He also is going to pass the bag of buntin to you as well.

    On top of that designerman has also had to pull out as well and so thats another car down which now means you are 3 down as gavo has pulled out as well.

    The flag, gazebo, table and display are so wet after rally day that they will not dry in time for tomorrow either as it was a complete wash out in the afternoon

  2. Jacqui cant get into the site! tried refresh and ctl but nothing is helping - all she can get is front page

    For this reason she will be on this site but not the other one as she has to get stuff ready for the 2 events this weekend, Could this be looked into please and could someone please keep her updated until she is able to access the threads etc

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