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Posts posted by edmondo

  1. Anytime me old mucker, I wouldn't want any unanswered queries :wub: - talking of queeries I wonder if that car park gets busier when it gets darker :rotfl:

    I dont know but it was getting scarier as it got darker :thumbup: .............some people started to look really strange especially Matty :(:( ...........note to self - dont head into the Oxford Countryside at night :(;):)

  2. The Lechlade meet was tonight mate......................however if we can get a few together then perhaps we could organise a run out

    Gaunty and I did one back in March on a Saturday Evening

    so its down to who is available and when

  3. Yeah was good to see faces to names only seen on the forum ;)

    BBQ sounds fun, with a bit of summer weather, parked close to the river, closer to the pub and a bit of swimming with the swans :)

    agree mate............however I am disturbed about Oxon people wanting to swim with animals.........now I am sure thats illeagel in most of the UK :thumbup::(:(:(

  4. Not from you though, Ed. It is pensioners go half price tonight.

    cheeky young whippersnapper................its col though cos I will be able to use the saving for my fuel where you will have to find fuel as well as food :thumbup::(:(:(;):):wub::rotfl:

  5. Ok Ed we dont need to know about your bowel movements :thumbup:

    Cheers Iain

    I would expect that sort of comment from Matty ( its in his genes ) but not from you.........me thinks you are being badly influenced up there :(:(

  6. Mate - there will be 2 of us so be careful ;):)

    The other one has access to certain equipment that will fry your motor lol...

    had better be careful then :thumbup::(:( ............take a picture of both together - that'll be worth a fortune in years to come :(

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