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Posts posted by edmondo

  1. actually that law has long been in force - just that there are some no go areas for taking your dog for a walk :icon_butt::icon_fU::rotfl::rotfl:

    please take your shoes and socks off to ensure you have the correct amount of toes............that will be 10 and not 12 or 13 :rotfl::lol::lol:

  2. what a grate day

    was nice to meet up with you all again it has been a long time

    you r all more than welcome down my place any time

    and SP thanks for the pic of me with kara's hat and shades on pmsl

    what a nice day and thank you

    pete and sue :rotfl:

    It suited you mate :icon_butt::icon_fU::rotfl:

    next time you are in Devizes give us a shout

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