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Posts posted by edmondo

  1. I keep badgering Big D to organise one..............was mentioned on Sunday as Walshy wants to know what his is running and I think Iain wants to know what sort of Torque his has...................so I think Sept / Oct when its cooler to have one me thinks :lol:

  2. carry on like that and you will end up like me...............if you ever watched the Simpsons there is an opening sketch where Hoer evolves and he meets Mo de-evolving.............well thats me and you :lol::lol::lol:

    the longest welcome to SIDC thread ever - over 500 posts............beginning to rival the Chat Thread :lol::lol:

    you notice that its Chat Thread 4 well thats because the previous Chat Threads ( 1 - 3 ) has been culled cos we used to much Bandwidth............This Region would have probably 80000 plus posts if the original Chat Thread had stayed :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

  3. excuses excuses :lol::lol::lol:

    standard 245 BHP

    Full Decat

    Nur Spec Backbox

    HKS Induction Kit

    Thats all the Engine Mods..............after Big D's Tweak then it should be 285 - 290 instead of the 281 at the Rolling Road Day

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