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About gordon_kerr

  1. yes i am in dumfries
  2. << Sorry that ive not got to know you only a newbie as of sunday but i wish you all the best for your future in america. And also hi there Chezza and welcome another newbie like me >> cheers man hope your car gives ya loads of fun and your in the right place to get loads of expert knowledge
  3. << Good luck Jambo Scoob, your girlfriend looks lovely. wife shortly, thanks for the kind words Hello Chezza and Welcome >>
  4. << and you have me here................. anywhere you want me :* >> awwweeeee so cute baby
  5. hell, why have the scoop when ya can have the whole car lol, make me an offer
  6. got a maroon phone dougster, wont be much use to me soon as im off to the states, yours if ya want it
  7. you got the big hat for texas yet lol my babes pic, trying to get her to come on here
  8. i would like to thank grant, jamie , wilky and all the guys i met and who between them made sidc such a wonderful club, you guys rock!!!!!!!
  9. cheers chris
  10. your on the bell wilky
  11. north carolina for ever, met the girl of my dreams
  12. bored, fed up with it, its on the market next week, cant wait to get shot of it and feck off to america in january, had lots of fun though, good luck guys!!!!
  13. << Alrighty Folks, Couple of questions, Where is the oil filter located on a bugeye, i assume its underneath as i took a quick look under the bonnet and couldn't see it... Secondly - Where is the best place to buy an oil filter for the car in and around the glasgow area? Halfrauds don't stock them..... Oh ye, also, where will i get the sump plug washer? Cheers! >> ok the oil filter is indeed underneath, on a ramp its easy to spot on the buggy, you need to remove the plastic underbelly and et voila , there it is, usually when you buy the oil filter the copper ring comes with it, should cost you no more than £7, 4 and a half litres approx of oil needed when changing the filter
  14. << Colin Mcrea and F1 are great games >> colin who?
  15. Never been that bothered about fuel consumption, when its getting empty i fill it to the neck, then next day fill it again and so on
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