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About Terrapin

  1. Belated birthday wishes and a verry merry christmas to you all
  2. Hi folks hope you are all keeping well, wish Lisa a happy belated birthday . Margie
  3. Must be a record number of replies!!
  4. I nominate Wopp, Before he sell's it
  5. Thanks for doing my car for me Dave, Lovely shine now, So Thats what Lovers are for
  6. Morning dudes, wet & miserable but supposed to be clearing up mid morning.
  7. will pass message onto tracey,only going for piss up really.hope everything goes alright with the quack ,give my love to john & graihagh not seen you all for a while,have to get together soon
  8. For my sins it,s me,getting there just taking time for the fracture to heal.Am taking Tracey to Spain to recuperate ,also she goes to uni in september.
  9. I could well be driving Richards new present to Spain that week
  10. seriously thinking of it ,what with his gammy leg wonder if me lover is available
  11. don't forget the flowers our wedding anniversary on sunday,says it all when he would rather go out in his scoob
  12. andi dude ,thought you were leaving island so servicing audi in england would be no trouble or have i got wrong end of stick
  13. Will try to be there if you want to set a date,should be driving new scoob soon,as Richard will be out of action for a while as he is having ops on both knees,when we come back from Vegas,nice to be able to see everyone again.
  14. boro babe leave my lovers rear alone
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