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Posts posted by jacqui_robb

  1. << Anyone heard from miss scoob sti lately? wonder if the list of goodies for her sti is getting bigger, c'mon jaq spill the beans what are we gonna have to do to catch that beast now? >>

    * "list of goodies"....face-icon-small-confused.gif

    * "...to catch that beast now"....face-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif

    who said i had a list of goodies?? u physic like face-icon-small-tongue.gif I have a list of goodies that i want, but what i can afford is a different matter!!!

    New MAF sensor def needed, and the new clutch which was on the wish list, is now on the required list cos of all the err..playing..i was doing in the snow!! (although i choose empty car parks with no walls to play in!) Car back in2 my garage now! Although i'm going to be a true girl racer now cos i do have 1 new part already...my brother xmas presents = 1 gucci watch (requested) + 1 surprise present. Surprise present was...............................................................................................................pink neons for mr scooby! face-icon-small-cool.gifface-icon-small-cool.gifface-icon-small-cool.gif!!!!!!!!!

  2. face-icon-small-wink.gifSorry, didnt mean 4 it 2 sound like a "huffy" comment! face-icon-small-smile.gifface-icon-small-smile.gif - c, all smiley!

    Was just disappointed that the pic of my car is chopped !!!! Nice pic of Tims though. face-icon-small-smile.gif

    Craig - ur just in the huff cos there's no pic of your!!!!!! face-icon-small-tongue.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-tongue.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif

  3. .....................................and I'm back!

    How disappointed off am I? Tim, u b@#tard!!!!!!! What sexual favours did u give the photographer eh? Nice clear pic of ur's....tiny bit of the front of mine face-icon-small-sad.gif!!!!! and that's it!!! Not like he didnt have a chance to get any pics of us racing, the numbers of times we did our "boy's v girls "race (as the commentator kept saying everytime we came up to the line!).....we must have been 2 fast for him!!!!!!! face-icon-small-happy.gif

    edited to say just realised why no pics of my car.......i didnt do the usual mag thing and flash my chest face-icon-small-tongue.gif!!! (not that i would)

  4. face-icon-small-smile.gif Did u take any photos on the 9th Nov? My brothers looking for a pic of his yellow MR2.

    Thats the thing when ur on the strip - never get any pics! Tried loads of cruise sites for both 28/09 + 09/11 but nothing of his or mine face-icon-small-sad.gif

    Anyone go to Crail today?

    No way was going - winter has set in here over the weekend. Went to get into mr scooby today - car had turned from black to white (this was late afternoon, still hadn't defrosted!!), and the doors were frozen shut!!!! aaarrgghh - access denied!!! Came in 1/2 hour ago and it was -2!!! Winter car definately on road tomorrow!! So, what cars is every1 going to drive over the winter then???face-icon-small-wink.gif

  5. Was it black & dirty parked next to a yellow MR2? If so yep! (late on - over at drift ring once strip closed).

    I saw ur car - just 4 a sec though cos was trying to find somewhere to park up at one point and just saw ur car as I was turning then Fireforce started up...and everything disappeared!!!!! face-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-shocked.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif

    << I also had a knackered maf due to an aftermarket filter letting dust through it. >>

    When u replaced the MAF how much were u 4 a new 1? Did u change ur filter? Getting prices 4 new MAF face-icon-small-disgusted.gif but then if I dont change air filter thats on it is it just going to do the same again face-icon-small-confused.gif??

    edited to say - not putting BHP on here 4 anyone & every1 to look at face-icon-small-tongue.gif but about what I expected and a good starting point!!

  6. face-icon-small-smile.gif Did ya run on Sunday then? Was lots of scoobys there!!!!!

    When u had ur car rolling roaded, how did u get on? Had mine done on Friday - BHP about what I expected (face-icon-small-happy.gif) but MAF sensor is f@#ked. Have to get new one asap and some octane booster, then return! Hoping to have it done for crail on 23rd - last run of the year b4 he goes into hibernation and get his xmas pressies!!! face-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-cool.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif

  7. face-icon-small-blush.gif eh, that might be a bit of a problem Craig.....def going but dont think I'm running!!!!! face-icon-small-sad.gif

    Big (and not very cheap) weekend - getting new tyres Friday (hopefully delivered in time), heading down the road to get car rolling roaded , going to SECC Motor Show on Sat then off to Crail on Sunday face-icon-small-happy.gif Should be good weekend but might be a bit hard on the car to take it onto the strip as well!!! Bit nervous (but excited face-icon-small-happy.gif) about having car rolling roaded - but figure if it's gonna go bang might as well be there rather than Crail! R u guys all running? Gonna to be itching to get on strip, but must resist!! My brother's going too so look out for my black scooby and a yellow MR2 Turbo. Oh and in case I dont see any of u on Sunday, ur mission, should you choose to accept it, is to annilliate a blue MR2 Turbo. He says scoobys r cr#p!! face-icon-small-shocked.gifface-icon-small-disgusted.gif

    Have fun and hopefully see ya's on Sunday. face-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-cool.gifface-icon-small-tongue.gifface-icon-small-tongue.gifface-icon-small-tongue.gif

  8. face-icon-small-tongue.gif Craig - ya big jessy!!! Do u reaaly think u'll go to Crail with ur car and then not put it on the track??!!!

    2 Fast 2 Furious out on DVD now - watch it night b4 and there'll be no stopping ya! face-icon-small-happy.gif

    Why r guys so funny about girls having scooby's? Had a barnie with someone at weekend .............................................."After all it was only a subaru, not a sports car, and therefor nothing special"!!! Slagging of my babe - not a way into my good books face-icon-small-mad.gif. MEN face-icon-small-disgusted.gif

  9. face-icon-small-shocked.gif JohnnyR6, just been checking out the last times from Crail (12/10) and our times look well sh1t!!!face-icon-small-blush.gif

    4 scooby's = 13.604 @ 101.1, 13.232 @ 102.3, 13.192 @ 101.1 and.....12.96 @ 105.9!!!! F@#k F@#k F@#k!!! face-icon-small-mad.gif So f@#king frustrated!!!

    (12.96 = Car 10, desc says Impreza STI - check out the times)

    My speed crossing the line was faster than all of the other 3 cars so just shows how much time I'm losing off the line!

  10. face-icon-small-happy.gif

    Hey, whats all this "1 sec buffer " cr#p??!! I dont think so. I lose time off the line as it is so ur already getting a head start anyway!

    Was unsure whether putting my babe on track cos of chat on S.N. about engine "detonations" very likely on STI Type R's. Getting all gauges etc fitted over winter & dont want it to go BANG b4 then........but oh the temptation!! face-icon-small-wink.gif

    Can hardly use car at the moment though (i like my freedom!), so maybe.....

  11. face-icon-small-happy.gif

    Isn't RR on 9th November? - thats Max Power day @ Crail. Mmmm, think u can guess what my plan 4 that date is! Will be last event b4 scooby is off road 4 winter.

    Tim, re my scooby of the line - didnt use DCCD. Track was dry. Dont really think there'd be anything between mine & JohnnyR6's STI.

  12. face-icon-small-wink.gifYeah, never really had a chance to c on the day but have watched every1's vid's and he is so quick off the line - no wheelspin. no turbo lag, nothing! Nae fair!!! I had the revs about the same as you, but just cant get off the line quick enough. No revs off line = 0-2000revs - turbo lag. Revs of line =wheelspin! Cant win face-icon-small-disgusted.gif

    13.9 still sounds good to me face-icon-small-happy.gif My fastest was 13.57 face-icon-small-happy.gif , but least we both now if we can get off the line quicker we can bring our times down. Gives me something to aim for......face-icon-small-cool.gif

  13. face-icon-small-cool.gif Not sure if going. I'm up....but my body is confused by being up at this hour on a Sunday face-icon-small-shocked.gif Got up early this morning to watch GP live......, remember turning TV on..., then woke up half an hour ago & it's was finished!!!

    Have fun - thats what u get 4 being a naughty boy!!!!face-icon-small-happy.gif

    PS - can u remember where every1 was supposed to meet anyway?

  14. face-icon-small-wink.gif Hey, what do u mean if......? R u ganging up on my baby now!!!!!!!face-icon-small-tongue.gif Have some plans for the winter for him, but I may have to come up with more at this rate!!!!!!face-icon-small-tongue.gif

    Cant get in2 S.N. - u going to Elgin 2day?

  15. face-icon-small-happy.gif Craig - forgot all about telling u it had a mini metro turbo engine in it!!! Think that was a just a wee bit of a lie!!! Def up for a race next time - unless you get a faster mini metro engine than mine!!! face-icon-small-tongue.gif

    Hope you dont get any pics thru the post of you sideways, demanding your licence face-icon-small-sad.gif


    face-icon-small-happy.gif Tim, she passed!!! She's well chufted - but I'm still parking the scooby well clear!

    Appreciate the offer of help - so many asses to kick, so little time!

    I'm going to Golden Wheels event too - and my car is going to be there too! Yours looked well clean & shiny on Sunday, I'll have to give mine a mega clean b4 I leave on Sat, and in Aberdeen all over again! Least you dont have far 2 go!

    Look forward to seen u both on the strip next time at Crail face-icon-small-wink.gif


    PS: oi u 2 - no sabotaging my car on Sunday face-icon-small-wink.gif

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