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About scoobystue

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  1. thanks mate,because she had pneumonia when she was 1 her immune system is very weak so everytime she gets a cold etc she becomes very ill we have inhalers coming out of our ears ill keep my eyes open for the next meet
  2. i'm gutted i couldnt come my little un's got a chest infection so i didnt want to bring her out,but next time your at the eleanor i'll promise to be there
  3. i'll be there,considering i live in wootton it would be rude not too
  4. yes im looking forward to meeting some people who actually know what there talking about(well hopefull )thinking of some subtle mods and need plenty of advice as ive never owned a newage before
  5. nuts i missed it ill keep my eyes open for the next one,would be nice to meet some new faces,ive been on the site for ages but never met anyone are kids allowed?? my wife works at weekends so have to drag the ankle biters around with me dropping chips in the car
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