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About Vinny

  1. 95 WRX STI Type RA. Hello. I yesterday noticed what seems to be the beginning of rust occurring. It is where the rear window meets the roof of the car, some very slight and small bubbling on the paint right by the window rubber. I am sure it wasnt there last time I cleaned it, would defo have noticed when I waxed it. I mean it is a tiny amount but slightly worrying, anyone else had a prob with this part of the car? Everywhere else seems fine. The car does sit on the driveway, most of the time, so obviously gets rained on, but I wouldnt expect this on a modern car, and certainly not by windows on the roof? Should I just keep a close eye on it, or go get it sorted immeadiately? Thanks Vin
  2. Either you are old, very old or you are driving a Subaru Justy!! How on earth did you get a quote for 487 quid, that would make me very wary...... Anyway if you read my other post on Insurance Farce there is some interesting stuff in there. It turns out I dont even need a tracker after they sent me a threatening letter saying I was not covered for theft, and my policy was going to be cancelled!?! I would have been REALLY pissed if I had just acted on the letter the insurance company sent telling me to buy a Tracker Monitor, as my Tracker Retrieve was not acceptable.
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