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Everything posted by sma01

  1. wrxmania - do you know what sort of charge Nobles have for collecting and returning cars? my car is due a service in the next couple of months and that service would be really handy....
  2. sensemagic, drive is definitely shutting down, supposed to be 31st march, although with these things it will probably take a bit longer. some of the staff have already left, and the rest will follow shortly. From what I understand, the main problem in there is that Rover are not doing well at all, and are costing the garage money, so Morrisons have pulled the plug on the whole garage.... ...however, I heard on the grapevine that another local car dealer has been offered the subaru franchise, so we might still have a garage local to us
  3. Ive only known him a short while as we are in the same line of work, he's a nice bloke, and was a great help to me in getting my new scooby
  4. Mr NTS: are you local?am in falkirk area....
  5. got you now mate... will phone him tomorrow and check mate, he'll be sick hearing from me though.... am really pleased with the car, as I mentioned in an earlier post, its thanks to Gav I got the car, if it wasnt for his good advice I'd probably still be scoobyless..
  6. Mr NTS, pardon my ignorance, what is IIRC?? the car is a dealer special, it has the full PPP, along with Prodrive suspension, altho not sure if it has the quickshift..... Scott
  7. AWD in Perth get a good name mate....
  8. no problem, am sure you'll find him very helpful, he owns a scooby himself so knows exactly what he's talking about.....
  9. You spoke to any subaru dealers??if not, you should give Gav at Drive Subaru in Camelon a shout, the garage is closing at the end of the month so he's not been able to get any more cars in, but know he may be able to point you in the right direction.... its thanks to him I got my new car
  10. Best cleaner I have used is Supagard, can buy it from most car dealers, think its quite pricey, but you get 2 parts, an alloy wheel cleaner and and alloy wheel protector... the protector is superb, sprayed it on when the wheels still had a few marks and left it for 5 mins, the rest of the marks then wiped of with a cloth...
  11. cheers mate.... waited a while to get one, been looking about to try and find the right one and think I have found it..... theres plenty decent ones to be had mate, just depends what you are looking for.......
  12. After 5 months without owning one, got my new scoob yesterday, and STI type UK 300R....
  13. doors will be shut on drive at the end of the month, unless there is a delay, which usually happens with takeovers/closures.....
  14. its black, with tinted glass and 19" superleggeras.....funnily enough mate, got it from Drive, work in the motor trade so got on the chat with Gav and managed to get the car at a bargain price.... Am in falkirk, what about yourself? Scott
  15. know the car you are on about mate, you referring to the silver ex-demo they had??its not that one....
  16. oh, and if you are looking for finance, directline are worth a shout, APR of only 5.9%.....
  17. know the feeling well mate, the pic on my ID is my old bugeye WRX, sold it in October and been desperate to get another one ever since.... if you look hard enough the right car will be out there, I pick up an STI Type Uk 300R on Friday....time is passing slower than ever now I know i am getting it....
  18. think there will definitely be a better car out there to be had mate, I amy be getting mixed up, but am sure one of my mates was speaking about that car and said it wasnt the cleanest of examples..... what is it you are looking for?
  19. think that seems a bit steep mate, have you been to see the car yet??
  20. got a set of mats from local dealer for £47, seemed a not bad deal....
  21. can anyone recommend somewhere i could get a set of sti 8 mats??get the new car next week and it doesnt have any in it at the moment.
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