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Posts posted by sma01

  1. scottiescoob - am sure he will have the wrap ur looking for mate....if he doesnt stock it he will get it in....

    IanJ - ive been in the CTR - it is a quick car, will be at knockhill on the track on monday night, and it WILL cause some shocksface-icon-small-wink.gif

    aarongr - no sidc discount from him i'm afraid. i have spoken to him about this briefly....not sure sidc discount will come tho, as his prices are already very competitive, and he is always very busy, i think for the service he provides it is worth every penny, am sure swiggi and chris will back me up on that as have both visited him in the last couple of days....


  2. Glad to hear you got on well with Duncan mate, his work is first class, all the work that gets done to my car is done by him, know him quite well now, he is a sound bloke......he can source pretty much anything you want for your car at a competitive price.....(except my new wheelsface-icon-small-sad.gif)

    swiggi, no problem mate, glad i could help......knew you would be happy with the treatment from duncan, told him you and chris would probs end up there yesterday and he said he would look after youface-icon-small-wink.gif

  3. no worries mate, i'll go number 8face-icon-small-wink.gif

    buggies at westerwood are class, theres a par 5 with a cart path down the right hand side, down a hill, skidded the buggy and left 2 black lines and a cloud of smoke....can only imagine what it would be like with a load of scooby drivers going daftface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-wink.gif


  4. was a pub outing, buggies were essential - couldnt walk all that distance while full of the demon drinkface-icon-small-wink.gif

    1. keap scooby, h/cap 16

    2. Wilky, h/cap 3

    3. Matt h/cap 28 ( just started )

    4. Derek, h/cap 20


    6. st3ph3n h/cap 15ish

    7. SMA01 h/cap - not sure, think i will have lost it as havent put in any cards for a couple of yearsface-icon-small-confused.gif

  5. not played at all this year, enjoy getting the clubs out, got handicap down to 11 before job change.....

    would be up for golf day also..... westerwood @ cumbernauld is a nice course.....and they hire out buggysface-icon-small-wink.gif

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