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bmwhere? last won the day on January 21 2014

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  1. [moderator hat off] Interesting Topic! I'm only left with one small question! Why is an SIDC RO organising events for another club and not for SIDC? Communication works two ways! If you need help or support, ask for it! [moderator hat on] As for deleting this topic, maybe that'll happen at some point in the future, but at the moment, I believe its important for this discussion to be aired in public so that all members of the forum can see what's going on and any rumours and bad feelings on either side can be laid to rest. In the past these issues were hidden from the members and it clearly didn't do any good! It really is about time we put these issues to rest! I urge both the SIDC committee and the SW Scoobies to try and sort out the differences for the good of everyone. Together we stand, divided we fall!
  2. Well, I'm hiding in Germany at the moment
  3. I have a set for the scoob, but with winter tyres I've never needed to fit them so I really can't say if they work well or not! From what I've heard, the original ones were pretty pants, maybe an improvement on summer tyres, but actually degraded performance of winter tyres! The second gen versions (came out about 3 to 4 years ago) and were a vast improvement and actually improved grip over winter tyres although still nowhere near as good as chains. I don't know if they have been improved again since then! My advice would be to get a set of chains rather than socks unless you have a clearance problem. You can get special chains designed to fit on alloy wheels which don't damage the rims. I'd only go for socks if you don't have the wheel clearance for fitting chains (as is the case on my Scoob!). Winter tyres are also a must, but on a RWD car you'll still struggle up hill in the snow!
  4. Sorry to read this! Condolences to all his family and friends!
  5. Well, you might also fit into East Midlands I believe Kim is on the case
  6. The OP asked about the 320R not RS!
  7. I thought the 320R was supposed to be the same price as the standard STI. That's what all the marketing blurb says anyway! Have a look on the subaru UK site!
  8. It is normal as in a known problem that happens to just about every new age car. It's not however normal in the sense you don't need to get it fixed! Subaru really should have done a recall on it to fix the problem, but never did. The problem occurs on most cars while it's still under warranty, so in most cases Subaru will just fix it for free. I assume your car is out of warranty now, but it may be worth asking a Subaru dealer (or two) if they will replace for free or at least for discount as it is a manufacturing fault. If not, then you may want to consider replacing with different suspension, as it will probably be cheaper than OEM items for much better kit!
  9. Certainly the weather will skew the statistics far more than 'safety' cameras will.
  10. I read about that earlier! Very sad indeed
  11. MPG should be somewhere between 20 and 25 MPG for normal running around. You could see upto around 30 for motorway runs. At lot will depend on what sort of journeys you're doing (traffic levels, town, country etc.) and how heavy your right foot is Check your tyre pressures regularly. Under or over inflated tyres can cost you a mile or two per gallon! BHP will depend on the model year, they upped the performance nearly every year from between 98MY and 2000MY from around 208bhp to 225 or so. You will also have lost a little as the car ages and perhaps gained a little from exhaust mods.
  12. Spring is in the air!

  13. Welcome to the forums
  14. careful what you wish for
  15. Waiting for some snow :)

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