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About turbobits

  1. If you want to hear what the Forge ones sound like I have a sound clip of them on my website. I also sell the full range of Forge DVs and there is 5% discount for SIDC members and free UK delivery! Regards Richard
  2. Adrian S Flux were good for my Maserati with Mods.... until this year. Now I've gone to Norton Insurance 0121 246 5050. Flux charged me £460 limited to 3000 miles and Norton have done a better policy with a lower premium of £270 - the Norton policy is called 'Heritage' and its a classic car policy which I don't suppose will fit a Scoob but I reckon they're worth a call anyway. If they don't mind mods on a classic they shouldn't have any reason to mind mods on a normal policy. Regards Richard
  3. Sounds to me as if you've gone full circle... Dispensed with the heavy SLR with big lenses and ended up with a digital SLR with big lenses... that needs bigger batteries I sold my very heavy Nikon F4S last year, lenses (Mine too were Sigma) and Mecablitz flashes as I found I was using my compact camera all the time. I got the Olympus XA2 when I was a boy and it has taken one helluva battering around the world with me, always giving crystal sharp images with its Zuiko Japanese lens. Its got paint missing and a rusty back from when it was nicked in malta, dropped in a salty puddle and returned to me by their police 3 monhs later - I swear by it. Best camera in the world for me. I do sometimes wonder about getting a nice Leica or another F4S as I do miss the ability to zoom or swap a lens for an occasion - now I just have to walk a few hundred yards closer to my subject. Thing is, I reckon if I did that I'd be buying the camera for all the wrong reasons - because its a nice bit of kit - and not because its good for taking photographs with. The best camera is the one in your shirt pocket! Regards Richard
  4. Kodachrome for me chaps! ... can't beat a good slide show I've been playing with Digital for years and its got its advantages but nothing comes close to real film. So I've now gone back to my slides but bought a Sony P900 mobile phone with a VGA resolution camera built in. I can snap a pic of anything at any time as the phone's always with me when I'm out and about and the VGA resolution is OK for what digital is good at... displaying on a computer screen and emailing. Regards Richard
  5. Back on topic... Here are some photos of the twin intercooler spray bar which we put on Reg Palmers racing maserati the other day.
  6. Mr. Ben is on TV most nights on the 'Noggin' Channel (Sky 618 when Nick Jnr ends @ 8pm) for those that want to relive their youth... He's accompanied by the Clangers, Wombles, Bagpuss, Paddington Bear and Portland Bill. I force my children to watch it sometimes - Childrens programmes aren't what they used to be! I wonder if fingerbobs is going to make a come back...
  7. Hi Jon, Dynotune are going to finish development of their progressive box over the winter. They started making it last year but there wasn't much call for it stateside. Since I've started marketting their products over here I've asked them to finish it off. The big US engines don't really have much need for progressive control but it is nice on the smaller capacity blocks over here - although not entirely necessary. The Dynotune Nitrous is triggered via a WOT switch so if you accelerate hard and push the pedal right to the floor when the revs rise you get the shot all at once. The key thing with Nitrous is to get the air:fuel ratio right. We do A/F switches which cut the Nitrous if the mix goes lean or rich during a run. They monitor the A/F and make sure you don't "lean out" and cook your engine. Its all on the turbobits website along with lots of Nitrous bits and bobs. Thinking of fitting a fogger to my Maserati next Easter when I replace the heads Regards Richard
  8. Hello, Thanks for the plug Neil - Yes, I am a PSI3 dealer and I sell the units for RRP less 5% discount for SIDC members. I also do free UK delivery on orders over £50 saving you another £7 or so. I don't have that section of my website developed yet but I can get any current model delivered to you including the fab VFD Pod mount units You can read all about them at www.psi3.co.uk and see the RRPs there too. If anyone wants a SECS unit please drop me a PM or email to sales@turbobits.co.uk and I'll sort out the order for you. Regards Richard
  9. Hello chaps, We're the UK Distributor for Dynotune Nitrous Oxide kits and do a universal wet kit that's good for 30 to 175BHP shots depending on jetting. Its not progressive but rather injects the shot at wide open throttle when its armed. Comes with a 10lb bottle and all necessary stuff to install for a good price. Anyone interested in the nitty gritty can download the 22 page installation manual from the "MANUALS" section of our website and I'd be delighted to answer your questions on it. Regards Richard p.s. sorry for the quiet patch but I've been real busy and on holiday too!!!
  10. Hello Chaps, I'm back! I've been busy in the workshop, busy in the office and just busy, busy, busy.... took a holiday to Turkey aswell - hence the 'disappearance'. I've been available on GPRS and email though throughout, for those who wanted me. During my busy-ness we fitted Reg Palmers race prep'd Maserati Biturbo with a twin intercooler spray-bar. Its really neat. He's got a pair of FMICs that are just the right distance apart to be joined together with copper-nickel tube and a brass Tee so it is a great looking installation as well as a performing one. Perhaps I'll post some pics of it in the next day or so. If you'd like to look up the details of the spray-bars or the eLabtronics intelligent intercooler water spray controller its all on my website, www.turbobits.co.uk - you can find it in the left hand menu and read all about it there... any questions please reply to this post for all to see. Thanks & Regards Richard sales@turbobits.co.uk
  11. Our cottage dates back to the 15th Century. It used to be the stables and Ostler's cottage serving the coaching inn opposite. Travellers would stable their horses in what is now my living room and also my office and the Ostler would tend them. He also made bread for the inn and we still have the original fireplace with bread oven. There is a lot of history, some of it more recent - like the story of the family with 10 children where one little girl fell out of an upstairs window... When we first moved in my wife was in one of the bathrooms tidying up the children when she saw me come up behind her and heard my footsteps. She started talking to me and then turned around to ask me a question to find no one there... I was in my office! Our youngest daughter often turns to one particular corner in the living room, waves and says "Hello" when there is no one there. She also follows something with her eyes as if watching the 'person' she has just greeted. A friends dog looks to the same corner and follows something with its eyes too. We hear footsteps upstairs when we are all sat in the dining room sometimes. There is often a distinct smell of tobacco smoke in one of the hallways. We have also smelled candles around the house. We have both experienced cold spots. Working late (like 2am) in my office I have felt like I'm being watched, the temperature has dropped and the smell of Tobacco has wafted by. Two separate sets of visitors have stayed in one particular room in the house and both reported hearing footsteps go from one doorway, across the bedroom and through another doorway during the night. The footsteps were loud enough to wake them from sleep - This is the bedroom above our dining room So, I went to see the previous owners of the house who we get on with really well. They were a little hesitant to reply when I first asked them about the ghosts (Well they didn't mention it before we bought the place) but soon told us everything they knew when I told them I wasn't scared but actually quite interested. The lady told me of two ghosts that she had seen. One was an old man who smoked a pipe and the other was a little girl of about 7 years old. She told me stories, so many that it would take ages to go through them all here. Things like door knobs twisting, bangs, footsteps, having toes touched in the night, doors closing (and opening) on their own. She said she once tried to communicate with the ghosts and the little girl spoke to her - it freaked her out and she stopped straight away. The Inn is still there (opposite - how convenient!!) and they have a ghost. There are reports of a tunnel between our kitchen and there cellar (I haven't found it yet but am planning on lifting the floor to discover it!) Our neighbour has a ghost of an old lady who has been seen walking the corridor holding a breadtin. The same ghost walks through the wall and their neighbours have seen it too. I am a believer. I haven't SEEN any of our ghosts but the feelings, the smells, the sounds, experiences of guests, stories from the previous occupants... I think there is something there. Regards Richard
  12. Flash... Hmmm... I know what you mean. The Flash intro does have a 'skip intro' button on it, but it is written into the flash. I have had this in my mind for a time and am actually re-writing the index file to have the "Skip Intro" on the page so that 'non flash' viewers can see it! Here is a clicky that takes you straight to the site's homepage bypassing the intro. Turbobits homepage Thanks for your comments Richard
  13. Back in the early 1990s I was taken for a white knuckle ride in one of the homologation Audis.. think it was called a Quattro Turbo S4 ? Maybe someone will correct me. I'd been at an 'independance day' garden party at an American friend's house in the Buckinghamshire countryside and a chap asked me to take him for a spin in my new Mini Cooper. I rallyed down the roads cornering as fast as I could and he was impressed by it... Then he took me out in his Audi aaaaAAARRG!!! Scared the sh1t out of me! Three times in my life I've been frightened by a driver and this was the first one - yeeks, just the thought of it makes me shiver Richard
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