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Everything posted by andrew_greenhalgh

  1. how did you.....how did you get or decide on your forum name....some are more obvious than others,me for instance i`m a part time Dj (no comments jonah) and i drive a scoob......... so spill the beans let us all know.
  2. Hi all, first of all thanks for your comments on my last post,unfortunately the job did not turn out as expected as jonah has written, i have been on the road as a sales consultant/manager for over 14 years and could not go back indoors,today however i travelled to Sheffield for an interview with Karcher, which went really well i was told they would offer me the job after my second informal chat with one of the directors on friday in banbury if that goes well and my refferences are ok i will be thier new Regional Key Accounts Manager, its more in line with what i have been doing and wanted to do, so a bit of a boost just before crimbo,it has been a real struggle for us all, so hopefully this is the face of things to come, we all look forward to seeing you at meets soon, Myself, Julie, Sarah & Rhys wish each and every one of you health wealth and happiness at xmas and throughout the coming year. (who knows might be able to afford a new scoob sshhhhhh dont tell julie ) all our best wishes.
  3. thanks to each and every one of you for your support, i would be lying if i said the last 4 months had not been a struggle, wondering if the mortgage was going to be paid etc,but hopefully this is the start of things to come, we look forward to seeing you at the meets to thank you all personally. once again my sincerest thanks.i am proud to be part of the CADS family.[]
  4. you bet, he can`t wait to get in it, he makes noises as if he`s driving till he falls asleep.....[A]
  5. he did mate, you can see by the smile in one of the pics,when his aunts & uncles etc visit they get taken by the hand to see Rhys car, then he says, like andys car, then makes revving noises....he`s even got the shish of the dump valve off to a tee,he is a little star.[][]
  6. yep.......got it on a young drivers policy......................lol
  7. trying to sort it now p/bucket didnt upload...............
  8. Most of you know my partner Julie, some of you have seen her middle daughter Sarah with her son Rhys, Sarah and Rhys live with Julie and I, its Rhys birthday on 14th December,with Xmas not too far behind we decided to buy him an early combined present, a bed.........not just any old bed.......a bed in the shape of .........a Car........but it was red..... so armed with a can of paint..... some vinyl.......we did what just had to be done........check out the pics...... www.s40.photobucket.com/albums/e222/DJSCOOBZ/RHYS%20SCOOBY%20BED
  9. i`m now back in the land of the taxpayer...or should that be boohoo.....anyway i got me a job,not doing what i wanted,and the monies not great but hey its a job,& there is a promotion going in a couple of weeks with a payrise (which i`m told i will get),and a course to go on with another pay rise, and the chance to learn about the food industry coz there is another job going in sales there soon.so who knows......... so we shall see you all soon at a meet. Djscoobz [][][Y]
  10. nice one handy tips if you ever get stuck.......[:$]
  11. hav`nt had chance yet, my mate has given me a few days work,so i might just put it down to experience.......
  12. yea but photobucket can be a pain in the a**e somtimes it takes ages to upload then ages to get the link to work........i think these my best ones.....[:$]
  13. you have to be patient somtimes.....its a bit slow if lots of users are on.......
  14. and what is that supposed to mean sophie...............??????
  15. Am I in the helmet club then?[] mmmmmmmmm....the jury is still out on that one...................is that power ranger stickers on it............!!!!!!!!!!
  16. give it another go......i think the others have got it working......me hopes
  17. thank you my dear..........was`nt having a go sophie................honest...lol
  18. now it does mate......had a blonde moment[:$]
  19. And here`s my pics from Rally Yorkshire.......... www.s40.photobucket.com/albums/e222/DJSCOOBZ/rally%20yorkshire
  20. Wheres your pics Andy?????? just uploading to photobucket as we speak should be on real soon...........
  21. it was a cracking weekend, some real close ups of cars and drivers, some fast rallying..........and the super special stage was fantastic..........for those who stayed to watch it............ great work bob, julie and i had a great time.....apart from a little scare with my scoob....no probs on the way back.....thanks to everyone for your company...and to some for thier help !!!!!!
  22. tried everything i can think of....even the dipstick....its clean,as paul said the only thing left to check is the head,because the pressure is building up,it may be enough to bypass any break in the gasket......me thinks...
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