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Everything posted by eddiec

  1. T&C had an advertisement in the Evening Express the other night and i'm sure it was £99 + vat so i suppose you will get SIDC discount on that.
  2. hey i've seen that Range Rover .... its hardly a minter [] BMW boys .... its the future []
  3. well hes not going to own up now cos his secret is out lol totally agree with your actions i get kn*bs like that all the time when i drive up north they do their utmost to get past then immediately slow down again
  4. i left my car with them last time i went abroad and they were fine, very helpful as they even got my car started after the battery had gone flat planning on using them again at the end of the month
  5. i've used it in the past without any problems dont think its any more risky than anywhere else there will be loads of nice cars in the park and its pot luck if someone chooses yours over another one
  6. RA95 has a good point if they were moved onto the beach front noboby would give a toss as its so far from any houses. i believe that one of the problems with that is the lack of lighting so if the cooncil really want the easy way out all they need to do is stick in a dozen street lights along past the swimming pool and get the polis to "encourage" them to congegate along there. Closing the road is a non starter because of the traffic problems that will create in the surrounding side streets. The b*ggers were starting to use the park and ride car park at BoD which is next to me but the nice mannie at the cooncil has taken to locking the gates there at night to keep them oot.
  7. i can concur that he is indeed scooby less as i've just been out to see him []
  8. thanks for the info
  9. where do they do the scrutineering ?? might take a look round myself if its at the exhibition centre as i think it was previously
  10. Jeez thats not a bad deal you could get the PPP and have a very nice car for less than £24k with with that peace of mind for 5 years not to mention the free servicing !!!! anyone want to buy a mint condition P1 ???
  11. i've already got the copaslip ... lesson learned there for when i get the b*ggers off Russell thanks for the warning i'll make sure i have appropriate PPE on
  12. ah ha now then lads these look more like the fellas that i need i will get a set ordered up today and see how they fare. obviously drilling them out is the last resort so hopefully i can make some progress with these. thanks for the help Eddie
  13. thanks for the advice problem is that the wheels are attached using nuts that are loosened with an allen type key and that eventually all that happens is that they round out in the middle and as there is no room on the outside diameter of them to fix anything else then it appears that drilling is the only alternative i have left. not sure whether i should attempt it or just put it into a garage somewhere as it will need 2 new studs once the existing nuts have been drilled out.
  14. the latest installment in the ongoing saga of me trying to get one of my back wheels off saw me drive a round trip of 65miles at lunchtime anyway the folk managed to loosen one of my nuts which is me up to 3 now but in the process of welding a bar to the key mananged to knack one completely and the other b*gger refuses to move either last resort now is to drill them out and replace the wheel studs but i need to find someone in Aberdeen who has the tools ... either a business or an individual anyone help me ???
  15. Chris i've got one of those, tried using brute strength on it and only succeeded on knacking the lock nut key .... luckily i had a second one but am a little reluctant to go down that route again
  16. need to swap my wheels over in order to get them refurbished but am having a real job moving 3 of the nuts (all on the same wheel) any suggestions how to get them off ... having been using liberal quantities of WD40 but dont really want to force them too much in case i round out the centres would a short sharp smack on the locking key shift them ??
  17. passed an unmarked silver BMW in Bridge of Don this morning who'd pulled some fella over in the bus lane on Scotstown Rd ... first time i'd seen that or heard of that one BEWARE !!!
  18. had to take mine to the dealers in Aberdeen this morning and even though the sun is out and the road are getting slushy was still using the front spoiler as a snow plough ... ach well its needing a respray in the better weather anyway :-(
  19. i've got gas but i put that down to last nights Jalfrezi
  20. cheers lads i will probably end up with mytyres but i'll check with Turriff first. i have borrowed a set of wheels in the interim as mine really need to be refurbished and i'll take the opportunity to get it done now as all 4 tyres need replacing and that will tart my car up nicely for the better weather
  21. Russell called that new mobbie number you gave me and got some wifie who was not best pleased at peeps calling her looking for you .... you might want to check it out as you may be losing business (have emailed you about the wheels)
  22. cheers lads i will try these folks out to see what deals i can find
  23. Oops just noticed that i'm almost on slicks on the back and the fronts are not looking that healthy either. currently got on 215/18 Toyos but i'm thinking about going back to 225/35/18 anyone got any suggestions of anywhere round here thats offering good prices on tyres at the moment
  24. bad news Russell losing a colleague is never a pleasant thing and much worse in those circumstances
  25. Last night about 9pm what looked like an Aston Martin came tooting round the lights at East/West North St and headed down King St closely pursued by a blue Scoob who looked like he changed his mind at the last minute to chase as was in the outside lane on the dual carriageway and turned left !!!
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