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Posts posted by wrxmania

  1. The photos are not great to see the side exit but it does look good!!

    Keith will hopefully post up some pics of his too.

    You know the quality and sounds will be the business though. I'll see Cameron every day this week so I will tell him to make sure it rattles, creaks, blows and falls off within a month - and get him to add my customary 10% onto the bill!

    Brian face-icon-small-happy.gif

  2. Yep.

    Great night, Julie will still pick us up in the future I think - no problems - she has good taste in men face-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif

    Work on Saturday night was a killer - I got back in at 3AM on Sunday morning and it was one of the longest days of the year easily. I just wanted to hide in a cupboard not go out face-icon-small-sad.gif

    I think the Baileys and several Tequila would have been fine - I remember Glayvas (sp?), vodka, an unknown black drink (white russian?) and cointreau also though - as well as FAR too much beer!!!

    It gets worse - I don't want to think anymore. Oh dear.

    Dave - I am glad the rest of us were not subjected to your numerous chat up lines going down as we left, and Forbes was very patient with Johnny - only told him 10 times about his language!!! We all enjoyed the pictures of your laydeeees fine ass on your phone though Dave!

    Brian face-icon-small-happy.gif

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