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Posts posted by wrxmania

  1. << 1) Jamie......HI SOOB.......Friday 4th

    2) Swiggi.....Fraser..........any visiting family anyway!

    3) Calum.....~ ~ Cal ~ ~ Friday 4th

    4) Gordon....p1ggm........4th cool with me

    5) Matt.........sti-zlv.........4th

    6) PaulC555.......... Friday 4th

    7) Charles ..........Hybridturbo >>

    Hi Jamie,

    I won't be along to the meet - I am "meeted" out and this is virtually the only night I am not out anywhere between now and mid march... In light of recent "stresses" and negative issues at meets I could do with a break - not that this will be similar. face-icon-small-cool.gif

    Gonna try to come to Knockhill for a while on Saturday, but working that night too. Even the West Lothian meet the next week is dubious (as its the only night off for 9 nights) and it will be Julie's birthday on Monday (even then I am working). Better spend a bit of time with her (even days before her Birthday) or I will be Dans le bad books! Can't go to the Ayrshire meet next Friday either as I am working.

    I am sure you understand - hopefully next time - and everyone else - GET TO THIS MEET!!! You go to all the others.

    Next time Jamie - hope it is a good 'un though.



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