I see your point but the fact that it is costing me roughly £300 per month in finance and insurance, plus we have an A4 to pay for too... I have been off work for about 11 weeks now so i have lost out on overtime etc etc.
It isn't just knackered though, it is completely shagged. It is going like knee soup very slowly.
If i get rid of the car, then perhaps in 50 years time when they have brought out a new knee pill that can be swallowed and regenerate all the bone, ligament and tendons etc over night then i will be able to purchase another one, WITH A TURBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even if i sell the car, i am still going to be registered on here. I have met a couple of really genuine people on here (and i amure the rest of you are the same) so subaru or no subaru, the show must go on. It is a good community you guys and gals have here...
By the way, i really don't want to have to give it away, but it breaks my heart to see her there not eing enjoyed. Even Andi said she is the spitting image of a turbo, minus the vents and seats!!!!!
If you know anyone that might show even the slightest glimmer of interest, send them this way................
P.S. It's raining again!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!