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Everything posted by Highlander68000

  1. Just don't let Russell near a 'hacksaw' []
  2. I've never had to on the harnesses that I've had.
  3. You need to get your heed right under there. (A torch is handy too). IIRC it's a large white connector and is likely to have the thickest wires of the bunch on them. On the ones I've fitted (I bought a job lot once and fitted many too) , the connector was slightly to the right of the steering column centre. It is easy to reach and easy to unplug too.
  4. Yes, they are the same. I think the piston seal kits are about £30 new (that's what I was quoted once), so that doesn't seem a bad price.
  5. Another classic example of me mis-reading the post [:$] Sorry If the fans do come on, I would definitely say there is a lack of water in the system. The effect you describe is exactly the same as sometimes happens when water is low. I think it is just under 7 litres to fill up the water system from completely empty - I can't remember off the top of my head. How much did you have to put in?
  6. The highlghted pipe is the one I'm talking about to remove one end of.
  7. You need to get more water in there and remove all airlocks! I have successfully used the following method: Remove radiator >>> header tank small return pipe. (connects to top of radiator and I remove whatever is the easiest end.) 1) Top up water as much as possible. 2) Squeeze and hold top large radiator hose. 3) Put finger over end of hole at the radatior end and let go of top hose 4) Repeat 2 and 3, topping up header tank as necessary. 4a) When the system is full, water should pop out of the hole/pipe at the top of the radiator when you squeeze the hose. 5) Run the car for a couple of minutes - with heater on full. 6) Stop and repeat topping-up procedure if necessary. This is slow, but what it essentially does is sucks the water from the header tank around the engine. If you don't cover the hole, you just suck air when you let go of the top hose. I hope this makes sense. --- Jon
  8. It is more than possible. Not difficult, but maybe long winded. Is the list of stuff you want to display long?
  9. £175 just for the pump from RCMS (+p&p) Insane Clown - the old one must have been buggered or Andy has put different oil in. The roger clark pumps (like all the others) are nothing more than OEM pumps with modifications to the pressure relief part of it (which makes no noise that you could ever hear). There are no modifications to the impellor or the housing.
  10. The 'Modified' pump is completely different to the Jun pump. RCMS, GGR, API and Performance Subaru offer modified pumps. I am reliably informed that these pumps are 'tweaked' to prevent any problems with the pressure valve sticking open and to ensure that the impellor housing does not come loose. They do not flow any more oil than the more-than-adequate original. The Jun pump is a high flow pump, which is different to the above. Loss of flow in high-G situations is another problem which should be addressed for car that will be used regularly in that situation. Engine rebuilds benefit from using STi9 (?) bearings and are highly recommended by many of the tuners (that's what they tell me anyway).
  11. What is going on with this picture? The left and right edges are blurred and everything else seems to be in focus (sort of). It's freaky!
  12. I had them fail rapidly on my WRX and would never use them again. EBC aftersales customer support sucks too!
  13. Warby, it is a superb camera. As with any camera, it's not how good it is, it's what you do with it [] Col - I love the winter scene (3rd picture)
  14. As a infrequent visitor to Scotland to meet the SSIDC, I've always found everyone as friendly as anywhere else I've been in England. I've also been places which are very cliquey and unwelcoming to newcomers and SSIDC are a far cry from that (in my experience). There are many ways that can improve matters, with all clubs, and it is usually up to the event organisers to do what they are there to do. Some team games that get strangers interacting never go amiss. (remember FOCUS you GSF chaps!) Personally, I can't wait to come back! --- Jon
  15. LOL - I had to set up my cousins recently, because he was wide open to the neighbours. I also know someone who has had FREE internet for over 2 years now. They don't even have a phone line! They've had download speeds of over 400 k per second - That's as good as free 4 meg broadband [] Is it illegal to steal peoples bandwidth? I'm sure there is a law somewhere. Glad you got it sorted.
  16. I hope you don't lose your money or your goods. I would suggest giving them an ultimatum, and as quickly as possible. BTW, they didn't have flu when they were at Brands Hatch on the 6th! And it is not just a one man band.
  17. I live near a school and all the children wait for cars to come past and splash them - I wonder what their parents say when they get home. Just before too many of you get ideas about splashing every person you see, be aware that it is an offence to splash somebody. IIRC, it comes under the 'driving without due care and attention' category in law. It's not like a Subaru blends into the crowd either. You get points for it too. And they do affect your insurance.
  18. << exactly...im not trying to say the garmin is the be all and end all......but for a 1st time system for not a lot of money its great.... feel free to spend £200 plus.......... just thought i would point out this little bargain..... i'll shut up in future..... >> Sorry, I didn't mean to come across 'harsh' and offend you. There has been so much hype about the Garmin units and I was hugely disappointed with them. The first five digits of my postcode aren't even on there and my house has been standing since 1953. All GPS units are great - they really do save you the hassle of planning your journey. Unfortunately, having used a dozen different ones under many different scenarios, I have discovered that many aren't as good as what they seem, when it comes to using them. For example - try programming the navman or i3 while you're (ahem) driving.
  19. I would like to thank everybody for making me feel welcome at the meet. I did intend to catch up on the run to Elgin, but P1doc entertained me for longer than I would have expected. I obviously managed to meet you there in the end, ready for the fun drive home in the dark. Above: All I could see for 150 miles! It was a well organised and enjoyable day and I can't wait for the next one. Thanks, Jon
  20. If you've ever used the TomTom and the i3 you wouldn't use the i3 for anything other than a paperweight. The i3 is great for a-b journeys that you take once a month. Try programming it even ten minutes between stops and you'll throw it out of the window before long. If you work on postcodes and house numbers, then the Garmin range is crap. The TomTom is customisable beyond what many would want. I've just tried 12 different SatNav units and nothing comes close to the TomTom for everyday use. If it's down to money then obviously go for a lesser capable unit. *plug alert* Issue 8 of Scooby Magazine has a dedicated portable GPS unit review *plug alert*
  21. Don't forget poor little me
  22. Add me to group 1 on the way up and group 3 on the way back
  23. hooray!!
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