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About daniel_mead

  1. Hi, Next to the word Google on the task bar there's a down arrow (small upside down triangle), click on it once with the left mouse button. It will bring up a menu, 4th down is "clear search history" and viola. Hope this helps, Dan
  2. There's no chance of my forgetting that i'm driving the Punto and not the Scooby. My EVO sticker arrived only a few days ago, I've been toying with the idea of sticking that on the back as a piss take.
  3. My dad is letting me use his spare Punto (R reg 1.2 CVT) which means I can take my time in collecting the bits and get it fixed as cheap as possible. Once it's fixed I'll see how expensive it is to travel the extra distance, I should get better MPG though as most of it is motorway.
  4. Know how you feel mate. PMSL at the little dog looking up at those womens' bums
  5. Ah, I see but while I can still afford the repayments I don't want to extend the term.
  6. Cheers for all the replies guys. I did do a test run to Medway and it's going to cost me about 3 quid a day extra which wasn't as bad as I thought as I must've got a better average MPG going there than I do on my run into Canterbury. Plus during work we often stroll into Canterbury to get a coffee, I can't quite see myself doing the same in Gillingham so that's the 3quid saved (no offence to any Gillingham residents just where I will be working is further from the town centre than it is now). Took my dad to look at my car today as there was a puddle of fluid underneath it, and I need his help to get the bonnet up. He's an automatic specialist and knows far more about these sorts of things than me. We think it was coolant as the plastic bottle behind the nearside headlight looks like it was squashed, it started pissing it down so we gave up and went for a cuppa. I'm now looking at getting it fixed as cheap as possible even if it means getting it done in stages, i'm working on the assumption that i'm going to medway but I never know my appeal could be successful. I won't re-finance as defo couldn't afford it if this happend again and my wife is already stressed enough as it is. I don't want to drive it far until i know for sure about the extent of the leak, so are there any decent yet cheap accident repair places in kent that anyone can reccomend?
  7. Re-financing insn't really an option I could consider unless all other alternatives prove useless. Public transport to Medway isn't an option either due to the shifts I work. I've uploaded some pics here http://ubaru.fotopic.net/c859078.html
  8. Last week I was told that I have to move work in 6 weeks. I currently work in Canterbury and live in Faversham, but soon I'll be working in Medway. I'm trying to appeal on the grounds of the huge increase in cost for me to get there as my scooby is my daily drive but it looks like I won't be able to escape it and i'll have to change my car. I'm still paying the loan I got for it and as the loan was also used for consolidating a couple of credit cards the car has never been worth what is left on the loan and wouldn't be until probably next year. So I can't just sell up, pay the loan and start again. I'd have to sell my scooby and get something with the money and keep paying the loan. That was last week then to throw more crap at me, on my way home from work the other night just after midnight when it was snowy and icy, the car in front of me lost control going downhill and when I tried to slow down I lost it too and eventually went into a barrier stuffing up my front end. It's pretty badly damaged and I'm sure my insurance Co. would write it off and offer me a pitance as they would not be able to recoup anything from the other driver. We didn't actually hit each other though I know that had he not crashed I wouldn't off. If I claim I'll lose 1yrs no claims, 450 quid excess and get offered very little. I'll only have what they offer me to buy a relaible motor to get to medway and back at least until my loan is paid off in a couple of years. If I don't claim then I either have to look at getting it fixed and selling it as I can't afford to run it to Medway and back or break it. I was able to drive it home from the crash, it will need at least: Bonnet, front bumper, front nearside wing and whatever is broken underneath those items. My car is an early classic 5dr uk Turbo in dark green I bought it last December for 2900. It now has 104000 miles full main dealer service history. STi rear lights (one is now cracked), the better seats from the newer model, short shift kit, 4 pot front calipers and matching discs from 2003 sti. Roof bars deleted. It also had morrette headlight conversion but one is now completely crushed apart from the actual lamps. I still have the original headlights/side lights/front indicators. The bonnet scoop and vents can be transfered over. I'll get a ling to some pics on here as soon as I can. The question is really do I try and get it fixed myself and sell it or to I just sell as it is. Bearing in mind I then only have what I get for it to pay for a new car. Cheers, a very upset soon to be ex-scooby owner
  9. Just got my car back from it's 105k service, got a 10% discount on production of the SIDC card. They found a couple of problems, the front O/S outer CV boot is split (3rd time within a year!), slight oil leak from the gearbox and rear pads on the way out. Not bad for a 12 year old car with over 100k on it! Does anyone know of a problem that could be causing my car's hunger for CV boots? Are there any common places for a manual gearbox to leak from? and where is the best place to get rear pads? p.s. my car is a MY95 UKDM turbo wagon.
  10. I'll be coming straight from work if I finish on time! This'll be my second meet, I can hardly contain myself!
  11. I'm not selling my scoob anymore! I've just got some 4 pots from a 2003 fitted and they look pretty snug under the factory 16s and trying to convice my dad to sort the gearbox out while i'm away at the end of the month. It has recently developed some suspicious whiny noises [8-)] In the meantime i've been taking it easy on her and getting the train [] to work It will hopefully be all sorted soon and i'll be back at the meets. I'm somehow not very inspired to drive to them in my wife's Ford Ka [:$]
  12. I'll be there, it'll be the 1st time i've been able to come. Is anyone meeting at the M2 services first?
  13. Used to have this http://http://photo-origin.tickle.com/imag...RL978057213.jpg But then this happend http://photo-origin.tickle.com/image/87/9/...RL546643004.jpg But all is not bad as I then got this http://photo-origin.tickle.com/image/87/9/...RL327912398.jpg
  14. Classic blue 2.0 sport heading coast bound A299 between Whitatable and Herne Bay. I was in a hurry and overtook you in my green classic wagon. Sorry I didn't wave
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