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About Orcane

  1. Dooahhdoo, Have you taken the other movies off the area? Just I havent had a chance to get them all, and I need to keep getting my IOM fix Ah the memories.
  2. Orcane

    IOM video

    Gordon.. Damn you found out my secret. I am in fact in colusion with Dooahhdoo, and we airbrushed out the tow rope . Was good fun, and shame that I didnt think of setting up a camcorder in the car to relive the whole thing (of course would have to buy the camcorder to start with) I believe the red wagon (sorry not sure of the handle ) had a camcorder setup in the car. Anyone know a way we could get that distributed (if they wish to share that is)?
  3. Heazille, I should be pulling in on the 18:30 Liverpool Seacat (so should be about 21:00 arrival in Douglas). From the looks of the agenda, about the time the SIDC are in the theatre watching the comedian. Booked in to the Hilton, so will need to head there to book in soon after we dock. Might also need to sort out food depending on whats available on the crossing. Getting excited now.
  4. Heazille, Hope you remember Im heading over. Only problem is that we will only be there for the Sat and Sun stuff, being we couldnt make it over till the Fri night. Looking forward to all the fun.
  5. From the replies you got from the GTOs I would say that the repliers are just as arrogant as the Scoobie drivers they are talking about. Your post was not confontational, and just pointed out not to use broad derogatory statetments to talk about all Scoobie owners. We dont all drive like loons and disrespect other road users. As like a normal SN discussion, it turned immediately to insults and 'my cars better/faster/cooler/more tuneble (delete as appropriate) than yours'. What a sad bunch of muppets they are. /sighs, clearly disappointed
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