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About JasonO

  1. I've already got one of these, excellant bit of kit, and supplied by Gavin for a group buy I organised on the GTR Register last year. Datalogging facilites are excellant, and with the adition of the breakout box (can't recall the correct name) you can log RPM and lots of other data too, although I use FC-Datalogit for that with my APEXi PFC. Check the Innovate website for more details on a really cool bit of kit.
  2. Was cool to catch up with some old friends last night, and I always love the oppertunity to make a few new ones. Ricey, You're still the dude, but being noisey isn't everything
  3. Paul, If it's the Sumitomo Caliper, then you'll have no probs sorting it with one of the kits, very popular on the 300ZX / R32GTR / R33GTS25T. We can compare them tonight
  4. Jeez, I feel all unwelcome and I'm not even there yet.
  5. Hi Dougster, It's kinda quiet up here / over here, but we're still plodding away. I've been a busy lad though, which is why you've not seen over much of me last year.
  6. 1. SCOOBAY 2.Swiggi + Family 3. Rice Rocket 4. JasonO
  7. Hmmm, there's a few similarities, but it'd be easier to explain with the hood up Check this out for more details
  8. 1.Dougster 2.WRXMANIA 3.SWIGGI 4.Seevers(could probably reverse down to this one it's that close) 5.TheSquirrel555 6. Spooks ..........................yes thats right me 7. Big Andy all the way from sunny Ayrshire 8. WRC No 1 and Scoobymadburd 9. Malky 10. DEVLIN - this one could be the reunion 11. SCOOBAY - how does 11th suit you mate ( I,m 10th ) >> 12. Grasshopper 13. JasonO (equality for numbers) 14. H1 5OOB 15. WillieF Spooks, That's an RB25, I'm a newbie here, but shouldn't be a stranger to many of you, and yes I do do the www.gtr.co.uk thang....
  9. Excellant, I'll fit in just perfect I'll be the saddo, with the non flat four sporting two extra cyllinders
  10. Can I gate crash this meet ?
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