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Posts posted by Gumball

  1. It would appear that after many guball style runs around the general area over the last couple of months, that my car will never compete in show and shines!!

    Although the car is immaculate all over, the front bumper and lower bonnet is totally leathered with grit etc indented onto it.

    I realise this is the lesson to be learnt from "ONLY A FOOL BREAKS THE 2 SECOND RULE", however would like any views on whether re-spray or some other fantastic method can be used to get this sorted????

    Glasgow area-bodyshops or products i can use??

    GUMBALLface-icon-small-sad.gif minus 1

  2. he is joking!

    Wilky as discussed today, its the way of the gays in that line of work, the eye of the tiger, the cats back.

    however never the less i will be bored without your riduculous patter for 3 months. Phonecalls at 0300hrs etc i wont miss.

    Hopefully when you get back you can sort the falcon and get the grasshoppers taken out it for another gumball.............SMOKED.

    Dont mingle with the septics after hours incase they bear hug you or slap you for spilling their dairy queen.

    GUMBALL MINUS 1XLUNATIC UNTIL FURTHER NOTICEface-icon-small-sad.gifface-icon-small-mad.gifface-icon-small-mad.gifface-icon-small-mad.gifface-icon-small-sad.gifface-icon-small-wink.gifface-icon-small-frown.gif


  3. peter

    Thanks for meeting me this evening.

    Good to meet you and sort things out.

    Im glad you enjoyed your little bast in the deathstar (even if i did squash the wheels up into the chassis for a moment or two)

    Reference the sideways action.............................................drop the gear and punch it out the bend/corner (sorted)

    The Magic STI LOLface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif

  4. just making an alteration to my name. thats all.


    2. Swiggi + S6CUB

    3. TheSquirrel + micra_wrc

    4. sti-zlv

    5. wrx mania

    6. madmonk

    7. Corsa

    8. fai 17 + wife + 2 kids

    9. Playsatan

    10. 2559B

    11. rallye 6

    12. Weeb

    13. Wilky

    14. ScoobyAndy

    15. gr555

    16. CHRISP GUMBALL3000

    17. Pedro

    18. sheep

    19. Grant

    20. Jambo ( without the kids)

    21. ImprezaPete

    22. Cal

    23. Higgy

    24. Karps


    26. Krakann

    27. Johnny

    28. DC turbo

    29. kartman

    30. Dad

    31. jimmymc (22nd)

    32. Paddy247

    33. sKunk

    34. Seevers

    35. Gee WR1

    36. Miss Scooby

    37. Spooks


    39. Lordharding

    40. Don Mega

    41. Si,s Scoob

    42. scoobykev

    43. Dorikin aka Nyle; in his nice shiny GT4 WRC

    44. Keevster(Paul.)

    45. Rice Rocket + Rice Rockette

    46. Billyboy + The Wife

    47. P1ggm(gordo

    48. Marc29

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