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About McWibble

  1. Has anybody ever used Keighley imports? They have a huge stock range with good prices but when I did a search I found a few complaints. I know that most people will post about the bad stuff but not about the good so I was just wondering if anybody has used them!
  2. Cheers, Its like I have never left! I have 2 choice of car that I am debating over. An sti or a Teg TypeR The thing that is swaying me to the typeR is that 4 neds around my area have a scoob and its a bit off puting but then again I have wanted one for so so so long that I should not let that put me off. BUT IT DOES!!!
  3. Hey people, not sure how many peeps remember me (I keep coming and going) Anyway Im bac on looking to get a scoob. The way things have worked out over the past year and a bit i had to put the car on hold, but with any luc in oct/nov i will have the cash to get one. So just thought I would say hey And does anybody have any places to go to get an import as I wiped my harddrive a few months ago with all my sites on!
  4. Damn it!!! that never worked! clicky clicky
  5. Found a few scoobs what do you think?clicky clicky" target="_blank">http://dealerservices.autotrader.co.uk/Get...ageid=2">clicky Also what is special with the Tommy Kaira one?
  6. OOps sorry. is there any place on the forum with all the scoob model spec
  7. What models of scoob come in three door? and what sort of price do they go for?
  8. How doo people, Its been a while but I be back. I wanted a Scoob for ages but I started up my business and bought a 4x4 for promotional reasons, BUT now the truck is up for sale as it turned out not to be what I wanted and now a scoob is back on the table!!!! Not sure what one though. Is there any place I can see tec spec on all models (cars not chickadees!)
  9. I never got one I needed a bigger car for stock and stuff
  10. Not bad, Not bad at all. I vanished for a while to start a home business (as I may have mentioned 99 times on this post) but I went through Business Gateway and was awarded 7k to start. The web site is almost done and I have made deals with the Scottish Rocks and AND1 to sell there stock. all in all hard work but hopefully rewarding (still a sports coach till it takes off)
  11. I do still have the dream and if the business goes the way it is supposed to I could get an even newer better STI( bought a HI-LUX though)
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