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fai17 last won the day on August 4 2013

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About fai17

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  1. Agree with point made by Archie and Callum. The days when I joined on 2003 was great. We had a right good laugh and banter. East vs west was common. Went to knock hill and crail as a group and general done loads together to make the bonding grow. Part of life is things change but still hear to read or post when need to.
  2. You feeling ok James?
  3. I'll be there for the run.
  4. What chair?
  5. Interesting! Gumball we love you!
  6. Sounds good for a run.
  7. That's a posh nosh holiday for him!
  8. Did you stay at the supermarket???
  9. I don't know why you bother Chris. You drive fast enough to need a catch can.
  10. Where are you going to mount it?
  11. Nice pics. Was any Scooby on track?
  12. He's just slow full stop!
  13. And 17 speed gearbox too?
  14. Satay is as tasty as ever with the improved formula. Meercat can do the pipe work and make end tanks but you'll need to source a core. Best to try pace or ah fabrication and the likes.
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