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Everything posted by leon

  1. you dont have any cats laying around do you..................................... i mean a centre catalytic converter
  2. you sick B@stards................................................ PMSL
  3. i would recommend you not to use that mechanic ever again! i would get him to pay for it to be repaired by another garage and threaten him about naming and shaming
  4. to reset ecu connect he green and black connectors under the steering wheel ............well thats wat you do on a my99 then go for a drive until the check engine light comes on and it should be flashing on off at reguarly intervals if its flashing at weird intervals then its a ecu fault code jot them down and check on scoobynet to wat they mean
  5. yep ive notice i have a bit more power at higher revs! also got me shell v max card aswel, wait a couple more miles and the ecu should have learnt the new fuel
  6. omg you didnt let tony at your car did you? lol..........nice job..............make sure the inside of the pipes are washed with brake cleaner or some other alchol
  7. based on actaual event?......................lol
  8. hks! best out of the lot
  9. every1 knows red the fastest........just ask pele
  10. for a secoond there i thought it was a green puma lol. nice car!
  11. i would check the hoses to make sure there isnt a leak, becuase under normal idle the hoses wont expand but with some boost the hoses could expand and there could be a slight hole or crack on the hoses, get a boost gauge and tell us a reading
  12. i did my downpipe by myself and i recommend you either get a person to help you or get a proper mechanic to do it because its is a rite pain in the arse! took me 6 hours to change the downpipe, but it was in the wet in 3 inchs of rain water and it was dark and i was by myself! if i had more money i would get somone else to do it! good luck mate! its worth it in the end!
  13. bunch of whores........................ yes got another post up lol!
  14. you werent driving a 53 where you granby?
  15. welcome lets vote if his allowed to join
  16. i thought it was going to be pink
  17. happy birthday!!! dont forget to collect your pesion before the meet!!!! lol have a nice 1 mate!! sahme i cant buy yer a drink im stuck ooop north
  18. think ians trying to get all his dots lit up lol
  19. im sure the thunderstorm and monsoon rain will wash it clean lol
  20. think you find its 3mm limit and new tyres go at the back until worn in! then swap them to the fronts after about 500 miles
  21. the stickers will only slow the car down lol
  22. happy birth day mate!! .............im sure we can all chip in for a impreza wrx zimmerframe
  23. hmmm.......ive noticed that aswell his not sabotaging his bus is he? lol!
  24. welcome to the oap club ...................oops sorry kent scoobies lol
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