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About scott_coull

  1. <---------- this long
  2. Colin, I got my geometry done after fitting my P1 suspension at Broomhill motors in Dunfermline by a certain Mr Job Geevers of Whiteline. Cant complain about the service or the price! Would deffo go back there if I was getting it done. Cheers Scott
  3. Looks stunning mate, I'll keep an eye out for you. Coulster
  4. Well done guys, great result. Want to come co pilot on the next run Ian [] [H]
  5. Cheers for the comments, was at my girlfriends doing her bathroom suite, she just stays in the street oppositte the bank. Needs a good clean, usually have the bung in but took it out for crail the last time and not been back in since. Spotted twice now.......record for me. Cheers Coulster [H]
  6. Well done Jon, if the last run was anything to go buy then im sure there won't be any problems in getting folk interested. Im sure Pete will be a wee bit upset but will know in his own mind that he hasnt had the time he would like to keep up the position. Cheers Coulster
  7. Paul, wheels look spot on mate, suit the car down to a T. Transforms the car imho. Coulster [H]
  8. Excellent, you'll have to bring her along to the next Fife meet. Why did she not get a Subaru? Come on Ian as Fife organiser it doesnt look good if your familly are buying other japaneese models []
  9. Skyline looked very nice in the white, who owns that? Was it not a female driving it? Does misses Z know
  10. Twice in 2 days eh! The wife got the Scoob Ian?
  11. Jon, thats class mate, fastest persuit car in the hood. Glad it never ended in tears, never know what these shady characters have got in their cars. Top Job!
  12. Due to the speed being double the legal speed limit and in a 30 zone then this is what constitutes the dangerous driving charge, and as has been said before 1 years ban and a fine and a resit. Very unlikely that he will get it reduced even if he pleads guilty, maybe fine will be less but sentence is minimum 1 year. Been there done it, won't be doing it again! Letter from work never worked either, judge was a right harsh pr%ck. Good luck. Coulster
  13. No you dont, the pin that you get with the STi pedals just goes through the origional hole/hollow bolt thats there. Push the new bolt through through the hollow bolt to give you an idea before fitting the pedal. Cheers Coulster
  14. Over a year since I done mines. You have to take the rubber parts off the origional pedals but since you have aftermarket ones then I assume once you remove these then the pedals wont have the origional rubbers on. If so just remove them. New ones go over the top then bolt underneath. To remove the footrest its simply unbolt and then bolt the new one on.Reasonably small socket set needed to get into the screws/nuts. Accelerator pedal was a nightmare, spent more time trying to get the metal screw/bar through the two holes on the back of the pedal than fitting the other two pedals and the footrest. New pedal sits on top off the origional pedal and then the bolt passes through the new pedal hole then the hole on the pedal then through the end of the new pedal where a nut is supposed to go onto it. I eventually widened the hole of the new pedal as I could'nt get it to fit. Cheers Coulster
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