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Posts posted by quentin_moss

  1. Nice post Ian, its great to have you as part of kentscoobies.com and im sure with time and dedication (and probably a little patience) we will get the Kent Subaru scene back to the thriving fun community it used to be :P

    Of course all are welcome on www.kentscoobies.com and I encourage you to sign up to the forum and start posting.


  2. Hi all

    I think my wagon is going tomorrow so im gonna be carless:(

    Im on the lookout for another classic saloon ideally an STi and ill have abou £2600 maybe a bit more to spend.

    Anyone know of any for those sort of figures???

  3. he does seem to struggle getting the newage's in at the mo, but his cars are :D he had just sold a 22b when i called in, for 22k and was shipping over to belgium, so there well known all over the world.

    I cant say anything but good things about Neil and Raef @ SVA, I bought my first wrx from them back when they used to trade from home and then when I blew it up they gave me an excellent trade in against a type r, Ive also had bits off them at good prices and had my alignment done there again for a cracking price.

    I have recently looked on their site and they do have some lush type r's and I fancy another (although the prices are better now :lol: I bought mine about 5years ago from them for £12495 which produced 279bhp the next day completely standard)

    My advice go for it..

  4. Hi dudes and dudettes, how was the meet on Friday, was there fun and laughter with lots of banter and bench racing going on? Drinks flowing and stories being told.

    I hope so because life is too short to be going around with long faces looking like miserable old nobs :lol:

    Sorry I diddn't turn up as was working till late and was fooked, I canny make the Tunnel run either as is my Mum's birthday, but hope to show ma ugly mug soon :D

    It is very quiet at KS whats going on, is there a rift still going on? anyway, hope everyone is well and still kicking and dont work too hard :lol: see ya soon


  5. :P:P:angry::lol::o:D:D:D

    Im now officially properly back......

    I have swapped my sport for a WRX :boldblue: I will take some pics today and post them here later but just wanted to let you know...

    Im a happy boy now.

    A massive thanks to Pele and Loony Toon for coming with me to Cambridge and offering their invaluable experience and expertise in picking what I hope to be an amazing car (as long as I dont blow this one up ???)

    1994 WRX Wagon


    80k miles

    Bailey Dump valve (cheers Pele)

    Full Kakimoto exhaust

    The rest is standard, but those who know me know that wont stay like that for long, watch this space

  6. how do you stand with invasion of privacy sh17

    If you mean due to the fact the camera will be looking out onto a public place you will be fine as long as your only using it to protect your property, no pointing it at young girs / boys bedroom windows.

    It also will only really work if you get something that will pick up good night images due to the times these things normally happen, and that sort of gear dont come cheap :)

  7. Nobody said you were wrong....we all have an opinion

    I just went onto the 3 page meet page that Pele started ( you all remember her, you know the woman that has done more for this club than the rest of you whinging, moaning back stabbing ba5tard5) and I noticed its still locked so im on here to put my comments forward.

    1. I thought that Granby had stepped down as KS king? but still seems to pull many strings...and moderates when he feels its not going right

    2. Yes there is a new website and if you dont know the history of the club then shut the f**k up with your pointless bitchy comments (you know who)

    3. The idea of having a website/forum (whatever you call it) is to save texting everyone like in the old days.

    4. There will always be freedom of speech (Its a fundamental human right, look it up) although some will always disagree

    5. j-k has been a part of this club for a long time and deserves more respect for his comments.

    6. Col you seem to be very vocal on the forum, I would like to see you run the club better as you seem to portray you can.

    7. I know im ruffling feathers but I dont care, im ready to give up due to the negativity (even though those that are negative will always say they want it to work, obviously the terms do not suit them)

    8. This may be my last post as I will either be banned or ill decide not to bother even checking this site, who knows???

    I am a big part of the few that really want this club to work but if you dont. then feel free to do one and start your own club, just remember that due to a certain individuals generosity there is not much left availabe for Kent scooby type sites plus it will cost YOU money and I cant see that happening.

    From now on im leaving the bitching to this site and im going to post on www.kentscoobies.co.uk

    I know that this post will not go down well but I dont know what else to do, it still seems that deep down we all want the same thing but childishness ALWAYS gets in the way.

  8. The usual answer is hushion, a rather unusual Scots dialect word for a footless stocking (a sort of leg-warmer).

    A rather better-known Scots word is fushion, meaning `spirit, energy, gumption' or (in referring to food) `wholesomeness'.

    Neither word is in standard use outside Scotland.

    The complete Oxford English Dictionary also lists the word parishion meaning the same as `parishioner' (a member or inhabitant of a parish). However, this word died out in the 16th century without ever settling into a consistent spelling.

    I cheated (like everyone else probably did :D ) and found this online, im not clever enough to come up with them without help

  9. I love:

    1- The sound

    2- The handling

    3- The practicality

    4- The looks (classics only tho, sorry)

    I Hate:

    1- Blowing up turbo engines (I seem to be good at that )

    2- The amount of twats that buy them and give the rest of us a bad name

    Im on my 4th and looking for my 5th so they cant be too bad huh

  10. Because of "Club" status a gathering of members, who have paid a fee, would need to indemnify any liability to be within the Law of the Land.

    And I know that you wouldn't wish a "Club" to start by being outside the Law especialy when you take into account that some of the SIDC (Kent members) are employed by Kent Constabulary.

    Need I say more :thumbup:

    Yeah that makes sense, best not go down that route then, although the club could stay affiliated with SIDC and that would cover the insurance wouldnt it?

    Also I have spoken to Pele and yes she is thinking about it and is interested in being more involved again, I wont say anymore as she is not at a computer but im sure she will let us know how she feels later

  11. I note you mention public liability insurance, why would we need that as its a voluntary thing to turn up at public places (I may be wrong in this???)

    If I arrange to meet my mates at the pub I dont need insurance

    Sure ive missed something but can u clear it up for me as i can be naive

  12. Ok my turn :D

    I am now on my 4th scooby and at each and every time I have owned one I have been to most of the meets, drive outs and shows.

    In all this time I can honestly say that the club was never better than when Pele was UNSELFISHLY running it, everything was organised and the amount of blood, sweat, tears and own money she has put into this club is astounding and I for one give my whole support to her being the one to regain that status we once had. Yes things take money but why dont we start a small contribution to Kent Scoobies to avoid her trying to find the money needed to run the club, I would rather contribute to the local club I use rather than invest in SIDC (sorry SIDC but its true)

    I remember the very first meet I ever attended and there was over 30 cars, the last one had about 10, everyone knew each other but Pele took the time to speak to me, introduce me to people and make me feel accepted, this doesnt seem to happen anymore :thumbup:

    I may alienate people with my views but skrew you if you dont like FACTS.

    There has been a lot that has gone on in the past but as most of us are adults im sure we can put that behind us and make a fresh Kent Scoobies start.

    PS has anyone asked Pele if this is what she wants????

    Well whinge and big up over, im sure people will either agree or disagree and thats fine but lets not bicker for the sake of it.

  13. Im not sure but I think its already got a borla on it as it sounds pretty good and rumbly :D

    Plus it pops and bangs all the time.

    Im in 2 minds next, do I stop and save some cash, sell the sport and get another turbo or induction kit and some graphics

    Decisions decisions :thumbup:

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