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  1. They missed a crackin day, that's all I'm saying , right craigdmcd !!!! :occasion14: :occasion14:
  2. Scary stuff , as long as you are all ok.
  3. Hope the drivers involved are ok , still getting shivers when I think of it Black wagon , gold wheels , Reg started with L771 ( i think ) a definate write off Hope youre ok mate ( if it were any of you lot )
  4. Ehh !!!!
  5. Nae probs !!!!!!!
  6. Cannae believe youve no seen ma Green classic - she,s looking a wee bit rough at the moment , a wee bit neglected - ma time has been chanelled elsewhere Im from Hamilton by the way
  7. Craig , a few of us had a wee leisurely drive round the galloway hills , dont miss the next one mate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Craig , was I at the Autosport show ??? I cant remember ??? had a wee tipple that weekend ??? auch well never mind
  8. Craig , where the feck were you today. !!!!!!!!!!
  9. Bargain !!!!!!! I,ll have two pleeze
  10. Ian , I will find out on Tuesday if I can get Saturday off for this - will reply once I know mate. Guess i,m kind ,a, addicted to the odd bit of marshalling.
  11. Pedro , I have been sayin for a while - GREEN is the fastest colour !! but have been a wee bit outnumbered. Tailgate your wagon anytime mate !!
  12. Was lookin out for you today mate , sorry you couldnt make it - missed a good day. See you at the next meet
  13. Well done Grant & Imy , Another great jaunt - twisties , flat out straights , hump back bridges , sidey ways hair pins , the lot mate !!!!! what more could I ask for - My old man thinks were all aff wur heeds !!!! Lookin forwards to the next meet . Always good to put more faces to names Pedro , I aint followin you next time mate
  14. Not too bad Wullie , still working a minimum 6 day week to pay for my wedding + new house. The joys of scooby ownership , if the,re running good , they cost a bomb in fuel and if they aint running they cost a bomb in repairs. This is when you ask yourself ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, are they really worth it ? Yup !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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