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Everything posted by 2nd_In_Command

  1. Pele-One thing you can say we was a good team then it came to KS.People move on i had some great times with KS, keep of her back .All the best to the boys on the day - Lee
  2. I'd like to add my congratulations to the boys even thought we still keep in touch by phone. I for one know all the hard work and decation the pair of them have put into the project. I was beginning to wonder if it was ever going to happen, but knowing the them so well i should have never doubted their dedication. WELL DONE you both deserve it. Also a big HELLO to everyone at kentscoobies who still remember me i'm still alive and kicking. I would also like to say congratulations to Mark and Lesley on their new arrival. LEE
  3. Who's watching ebay jon.....lol
  4. Nice one..............
  5. Jon been on a diet....lol
  6. Sadly missed friend, a year on and you are still thought of and mentioned in many conversations. You were not a KentScoobies member for long, but you became a very close friend to Pele & I. I can remember you coming out to call outs with me in the middle of the night, and the meals you shared with us at our home. If only you had asked for help, we would gladly have helped in any way possible. Rest in peace Rob, Lee & Pele
  7. Room for another team member,Will have money to put in soon lets take on the world......
  8. Most of been those deep pockets last nite....
  9. Don't believe all you hear, people who know me will tell you the most important thing in my life is peles and my son, Jake. He is my priority at the moment. I would like to thank all the KentScoobies that i have met and made new friends with,and all the people around the country that we have also met in the last two years. Over the last twelve months Kent Scoobies has really taken off. Without MY support and encouragement to Pele , organising and chasing people for monies etc. the club would not be so successful as it is today. Often my DO IT NOW and not Tomorrow attitude caused problems. I still will be around...........you may even see me at some meets Thanks to Mr Chairman (phil) who kindly gave the KS a home to start with. As Phil has highlighted, I would like mine and Pele's personal problems not shared here on an open forum. I wish you all the best for the future. Kindest regards.. Lee (Hanging up my sponge..... for now anyway)
  10. Jon jack of all trades master of............................................Many lol
  11. Not good, If repaired is it a car you will be happy driving your family round in......
  12. I hear you are good with dashboards Jon...
  13. Is that the ROYAL WE.....lol...fitting a intercooler...
  14. You have seen my work then lol.....
  15. Have a word with Arron or Jon the rally car is a 94....
  16. Wes- Got it today thank you,I have a idea i don't think Mr & Mrs KentScoobies should bring any money lol
  17. Some ones put a dead weight in the back of my car....
  18. Dave is that score for the wall or curling lol...
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