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Everything posted by stewfo

  1. Hi folks the guy stewfo is me. I can meet anywhere in Aberdeen for pick-up. Much appreciated if this can be done for me. I can give u my mobile if someone can pickup. Once again cheers Stewfo
  2. cheers guys.
  3. Cheers m8 but unfortunatly not my engine bay. The reason i am asking is because i recently fitted a strutbrace and in my mechanical ignorance disconnected the pipe in question. Now this may sound stupid but afetr refitting the pipe the car now spools quicker and pulls alot better through the rev range. And i dont think i am imagining this either as my mate noticed the difference as well. cheers
  4. Hi Excuse my ignorance but does anyone know what this pipe is for. I have circled the pipe in question. Cheers
  5. hi Have u tried Brian Downie out in Kemnay. I got MY00 serviced there couple of months ago. T&C where going to charge me £490 for major service and £300+ for cambelt change Brian did it for £350. Knows his stuff out scoobys and imports them as well. Only problem is he is always busy. But give him a phone. http://www.briandowniecarsales.co.uk Stewfo
  6. Dont know what is going on but the Black Omega/Vectra was still pasked in the same place at 6pm. Remember 50mph on that stretch.
  7. yup spotted them. Wasn't sure who they where but only doing 5mph at the time. that was at 7.50am
  8. hi This is a Quickshift linkage from a P1 which requires removal from underneath the car. I have inserted an image, let me know what u think. Cheers
  9. Hi Hi Soob Tried that had the car on 2 6in blocks one side and a 4 in blockthe other side but was unable to get the top linkage nut undone. Was under the car for about 4 hrs. Tried getting to the nut from inside the car but still no joy. Had to give up and and put the old gear linkage back together as i was in Alford. Any help would be appreciated. Stewfo
  10. no-one able 2 help
  11. No i am off hays way W reg often going along the old skene road. Cheers
  12. Hi Does anyone know if i can hire the use of a hydraulic ramp in Aberdeen Tried to fit a P1 quickshift to MY00 but having the car jacked up and on blocks did not have enough room to get the top linkage bolt out. Any help would be grateful. Cheers Stewfo
  13. Hi Hi Soob I am in Westhill as well. Standard Micra blue MY00 give us a flash on passing. Stewfo
  14. No not yet, started to mod. Waiting for a P1 quickshift, front strut and H&S backbox which should arrive in the next week or so. Next is drop links, ARB decat downpipe and center. Then depending on funds may get a remap but will see how it feels with the mods first. Oh and my MAF needs replaced will wait and see if the local officers take anymore interest in the car when i've decatted. stewfo
  15. dont worry dipsy the feckers stopped me in westhill cause i had my spot lights on in the fog. said that this was illegal and i could get a £30 fine and 3 points. politely told them that it was foggy and it was safer to have fog lights on. Obviously nothing better to do. just wave to them when i go past now.
  16. sent u an email
  17. sent u an email
  18. Can u send PM again as Private message was turned off, sorry m8
  19. hi Interested in the backbox. A few questions: How old is it How much do u want Will it fit straight onto the center pipe of a UK MY00 How much for p&p, I live in Aberdeen. Cheers
  20. Hi Anyone know how easy it is to fit a P1 quickshift to a MY00. Would i be best taking it to a garage to get fitted or can i do it myself. Any help would be appreciated
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