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scooby princess

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About scooby princess

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  1. Plenty around but not allowed to post links to other sites! south west area on here is quiet at mo but BBScoobys, Scoobynet, and other clubs have events going on
  2. Kensti old car
  3. got a load of frebies down here for you so let me know if any of your lot are going to next local meet
  4. Dog sitting 3 dogs at home mate whilst sir is on a jolly
  5. The son has only just begun to build a relationship with us again - and no i will not be doing free babysitting - if they think they can have a kid whilst on benefits then they have all the time to look after it and no money to go out anyway! I have the best part of it though a GRANDAD for a hubby and before anyone asks no i will not be known in any form as a grandmother and this has already been told to them.
  6. Evening
  8. Some people had good reason not to be there but there were others who could not even be bothered to let us know. im sorry i could'nt keep up but my leg would not have it. The amount of times st johns asked if i was ok and i told a bull full of lies just to walk the complete lap was fun though. Paying for it today though as foot has now swollen up again but sorry i don't give up easily. something else about yesturday - it was FUN ! Shame the club no longer has this in its meetings/ gatherings/events.
  9. Looking forward to seeing friends again and might bring jess's recall lead
  10. believe so - 18th july
  11. GREAT LEG RACE & ROTARY CLUB FAMILY FUN DAY CASTLE COMBE CIRCUIT – SUNDAY 4TH JULY We really do appreciate your efforts and support for this inaugural fund raising event. Whilst our target of 60 teams attempting to raise £60,000 in our 60th year was somewhat ambitious, nevertheless we are convinced that those attending will be at the start of something that could grow to become a popular and established part of the Castle Combe Circuit calendar. So therefore, don’t expect a traffic jam trying to get into Quarry Corner on the opening lap, whether you are running, pushing, pulling, kicking a football or whatever. We have prepared the following information to help you on the day. Entry to the Circuit Please enter via the Camp Corner gate. If coming from the Bristol direction, turn right at the sharp corner at Upper Castle Combe, turn in at the gate 100 yards along the lane. If coming from the Chippenham direction, go past the small petrol station and after 300 yards at the sharp right-hand bend, turn left and enter the Circuit 100 yards down. As you turn into this gate, proceed straight on (visitors and the public will turn right to park up) and then park in the area between the Circuit Office and at the back of the Tavern Clubhouse. This will offer easy access onto circuit via the Avon Bridge. The Tavern Clubhouse is open all day servicing food and drink – and getting into the spirit of it they are entering a team pushing shopping trolleys with some of their female staff acting as passengers. The Rotary Club have arranged for various displays and activities so enjoy the morning before the start of the Great Leg Race at 12.15. However, if you want a warm up lap we are opening the gates to the circuit at 10.30 where, with a £1 donation to the Rotary Club Charities you can walk around the circuit with family and friends. For the Great Leg Race we will provide fix two drink stations, each just under a mile apart, one on the start line and one at Old Paddock. Do drink plenty of fluids. The circuit as you know is completely open, so sun cream is also essential. However, do remember that it is not a race, there are no prizes for the fastest lap or the greatest number of laps completed so take a break. Also, remember there are easily accessible toilets at both Quarry and at Tower as well as close to the Avon Bridge. On the day registration will be in the Strawford Centre, but there are very little formalities, take to the track raising your own funds but above all enjoy yourself. Be safe, but remember there is St John’s Ambulance here situated in the Control Tower. We appreciate your support and look forward to welcoming you on the day.
  12. Thats great well done £406 so far
  13. Does the £9.50 charge include postage by recorded delivery as per normal? When you through check out it does not state the price includes postage but also does not add extra for shipping charge but under shipping agreements it states "Goods shown on the website are exclusive of delivery charges unless stated otherwise. The delivery charge will be calculated and shown in the shopping cart at all times. All delivery charges are passed on at cost in line with the non-profit making goal of the SIDC. Could you clarify please as to if the £9.50 covers the Recorded delivery charge. Thanks
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