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Satans mother

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About Satans mother

  1. AHEM !! Good job I don't come on here often..lol [] Aaaand, for the record, he admitted they were good...
  2. Hmmmm, good customer service Again from bc I would suggest you write direct to subaru uk customer services, if there trained subaru mechanic (is he still there?[]) could not do the job in the allowed time, tough thats there fault. Think i will stick with Holdsworth @ wigan Ta Ta Richard Done a lovely long letter to Subaru, including the fact that when himself went to pick the car up it was round the back unlocked with the keys in it and they didn't even ask his name............class
  3. I got a go on the computer!!! Thanks everyone CupraDave, are you the 6th too?
  4. Now how do i post a picture on this. Could do it before the the site was changed again. Been into options and tried to attach a file etc, and it says i am not allowed. I am a paid up member too.!!! It says please contact your system administrator.[*-)]
  5. I was named by my son's nursery teacher.
  6. Ha, the husbands is Rolf Harris Two Little Boys
  7. hows the no smokin goin ?? Had a slight blip on Tuesday when I lost my patch, had a ciggie and I hated every drag, it tasted horrid, smelt horrid and put me off til I got home and put another patch on. Not finding it so easy this week but still persisting...the saga continues as they say
  8. Hope thats not a dig at my age lol []
  9. WHO ????? I don't know, I was only half a day old ish...... I know that one [:$] I love to love but my baby just loves to dance, hes wants to dance, hes loves to dance, hes gotta dance etc etc I've heard that now you've put words to it.........and now its stuck going round and round in my head !! AAGGHH !!
  10. WHO ????? I don't know, I was only half a day old ish......
  11. I Love to Love by Tina Charles..[]
  12. Took your advice stressymare and got some patches, day 3 now. Still early days but is it meant to be this easy? I don't remember previous attempts being like this......[*-)][8-)]
  13. Sorry D, only just read this now and himself is in his other home (the pub) so doubt we'll be out
  14. then you should give her all the support and pampering you can as the poor lady had to put up with you and your man flu..lol []
  15. I think you've done really well Wish I had the willpower to quit completely, have managed to get down from 20 to 10 a day, just can't seem to manage without those 10.......too weak willed
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